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Give and get support around quitting


Reality of Family History

I always said I didn't have anything to worry about since cancer didn't run in my family, but the reality is I didn't know. My biological father was absent since I was born, so I had no real evidence to base it on.

Well my mother called and told me my father is dying of lung cancer. HUGE WAKE UP CALL!!!

So with this new reality, my kids encouragement, and faith... I am fighting one of the hardest battles of my life!
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4 Replies

Thank you for the site information and the welcome to EX! I look forward to the advice, and support from EX. I am really going to read up on healthy eating! I notice I eat at the same times of day that I used to smoke, and I am not craving the healthy stuff right now!

It has only been 4 days, and this is rough!
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Hello Kim. I lost my mother to Emphysema and my sister has it now also. My father died of cancer. I decided that I don't have to die that way. It wasn't good enough for them and it is not good enough for me. I call upon my faith to see me through the quit. I am 40 days nicotine free now. You can do this, we can help. Your biggest help will come from faith.
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Thank you for the help. It is hard not smoking, especially when I am upset or sad. It has been a rough two weeks, and I must admit I have smoked one smoke and that was this past week end. I was so upset, that I felt like it was the only way to release the anger! I know it wasn't and feel so stupid for smoking. I'm trying really hard.
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Don't dwell on it. The thing is, that you realized that it didn't help. I did the same thing too. I know that you will see that the smokes don't help that stuff. In fact it makes us feel worse. So that is progress. When you realize that smoking is not a magic cure for the crap life throws at us, then we can let it go that much easier. Keep up the fight. I know you can do this. I will be here for you all the way. Have a blessed day.
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