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Give and get support around quitting

Rant: Didn't You Come Here Asking for Help?

I'm ticked! It takes a lot for me to get ticked but when I do I explode like a volcano and then I calm down and start thinking reasonable. Hopefully this will happen this time too!

Day after day people come here and ask for answers and support. And day after day the Community of all walks comes here and helps with whatever strength and efforts, answers and knowledge that they have. 

Then there are occasionally those very few who come here, ask for support and then turn around and say, "Who asked you?" did! Or did I miss something? 

If what you really want is for the Community to assure you that you already have the answers about Smoking Cessation and support means that I agree with mistaken concepts that virtually all Nicotine Addicts have about their drug of choice then I can't just say, "Oh Yes! That's a great idea!"

- Hold onto that last pack!

- Hang out with your smoking buddies!

- Keep that smoking patio!

- Go to bars and drink!

I can't do that!

It's not because I'm contrary and against different ways of thinking!

It's because I suffer every moment of every day with a smoking related illness.  It's because I know that nobody wants to die but there are some ways of living that are worse than dying! Dying happens to all of us! 

Because I care about You I don't want you to live the horrible life of an Addict who little by little dwindles away their Quality of Life while they continue to suck on their Sickerettes! 

I get tired. But I come back because I care so much! And I won't smoke over it because smoking never did anything for me - it just robbed me of Quality of everyday Life! Don't let it happen to you!

37 Respuestas

Amen, Brother Thomas ,Amen!

You have earned the right to vent any time you need.  I hope this reaches those who have frustrated us so.  It was overdue. Thanks for saying how others here have felt.



You not only have every right to rant, you said things many of us think.  As you know, I, too, suffer from a smoking related illness that has and will continue to impact every day of my life.  I am happy to help anyone who is willing to accept that this is a journey and not an event, you HAVE to make changes to be successful and if you don't care about being successful, you are in the wrong place.  We care.


Glad I decided to check in today has been a few days! Seeing thomas's rant. At first I thought wow! but after reading the whole thing just helped me to reiterate that working on quitting smoking has been the best thing I have done for myself in a long while! I have been really struggling with this addiction.And have had a few cigarettes in 28 days! But reading this rant has made me take another lol hard look at myself today to say hey Kym it really is today now to totally commit to get rid of this nasty stinky brainwashing  crap  I put in my body for so many years! All of you do help us newbies in kicking this habit,the impact on some of the words and phrases I have read here really have helped! No more toes in ,going all the way! thank you,keep up the great work you all do here and may god bless each and everyone of you!

Hi Thomas!  Rant anytime you want.  We are all ears.  As a serial quitter myself, I do appreciate the help this site has given me.  I do hope we continue to show patience because if the elders left, I probably would not have almost 1.5 years quit.  For some, it takes a few tries to get quits to stick and with addiction, we don't want to admit or listen to others about our addiction. One day the messages you are sending will get through that thick cloud of smoke hanging over serial quitters head.  So please feel free to rant, but don't be angry with serial quitters. Don't give up on the serial quitters. I was one of them and probably would not come back to this site if I was "yelled" at or be afraid to come back after a relapse for fear of making people angry.

Hi Kristen I am admittedly a Serial Quitter myself and I never give up on folks who keep coming back a little wiser, a little closer. So don't think that this has to do with folks who relapse - it has to do with folks who think they can quit and smoke too! No biggy - there's always another day - except there isn't and some of my EX friends have died after faithfully keeping their quit!

Ahh. I see. I must have misread your blog. I didn't see where it said folks who think they can quit but continue to smoke. Well in that case I agree with you and that would tick me off too!  

Thanks for for all you do Thomas!


I was a serial quitter too...unfortunately, I really did a lot of irreversible damage and if there is one thing in my life that I really regret, it is that.  I don't think the elders are leaving but remember...YOU are an elder now and there are always new elders being added.  Personally, I can't spend as much time on here as I did on the other site, it takes too much time away from other things that I HAVE to do.  I do not want anyone to lose a quit, I want everyone to value their quits like they are priceless...because they ARE!


woohoo!! I am an elder!! Thanks to all of you!!


We understand where you are coming from.  I think sometimes people want to use 
EX as an EXcuse to not quit smoking.  EX made me do it because I did not agree with them. Some you lose some you win. 


Oh yeah.  Ummmm Hmmmmm.  Yup!  We're only "yes men" when the concepts work.  Supporting mistaken concepts supports no one.  It only continues the perpetuation of the mistaken concept.