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Quitting my Juul proving harder than quitting cigarettes

Hi all,

I'm here because I'm trying to give up my Juul habit. I am a former smoker, had been blessedly quit for years, but used a Juul on a lark and it is proving more difficult than my final smoking quit 7 years ago. I realize that many on these threads may use Juul as nicotine-replacement, which I support (it's certainly better than smoking). But my goal is simply to get off nicotine again, for health reasons (no idea what my near-constant Juul inhalation will do someday) and cost (money could be so much better spent). 

Just wondering if anyone here is trying to give up Juul / vaping habit and finding it as wildly difficult as I am. 

Thanks all. 

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Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. The reward smoke is hitting me hard today. I would make deals with myself all day long.... “just finish this one more task and you can go hit your Juul”.... I didn’t realize how often I did that!! The thing that’s so different about the Juul is that the mint pods leave a minty fresh feeling in your mouth, and there’s no smell...not on your clothes, not in the house.. I really think that’s why it’s so dangerously addictive. You can do it anywhere and no one is the wiser. Day 2 is proving to be hard but that article and the fact that my daughter threw out her Juul is keeping me strong. And lots of gum

Have a great day and thanks again!

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Get some mint candy and suck on it as a reward.  Might be just  the needed NRT!  And brushing your teeth several times a day with a mint toothpaste might help too. 

Dollar Tree supposedly has these - mint AND chocolate together!  



I gave up both smoking and ecigs 19 days ago. Giving up vaping was harder for me. Because you hit that nicotine all day every day. I sing, and it was destroying my vocal cords. I couldn’t even hit certain low notes, like just air would come out. Vaping is NOT safe. Also I started having major shortness of breath; like I couldn’t take in as much air as I needed. I think in a few years we are going to see major health problems come up from vaping. People are going to do serious damage to their vocal cords. Do they want to never speak again? It’s a serious thing. You must quit!! I’m using Trident gum all the time, candy, deep breathing, distraction, hiking, getting upset if I need to, and staying very busy. I’ve had small cravings & big ones. Last night I had a WILD one, and it had been 19 days so I did not expect it. Fighting the wild ones is when the change happens though, in our brain. So it’s good. Like a muscle we are building. Good luck to you


You are doing a GREAT job, congratulations on 19 days.  There is a little thing you need to be aware of called No Man's Land. I am going to link you to a blog...  this was written by JonesCarpeDiem‌ and really should be helpful to you.  Welcome to EX.




That posting is outstanding! I'm printing it out. Thank you for sending that to us! 


Funny thing - we are on the exact same quit schedule. I was 19 days in when you wrote your email. I had a wild craving too and, for the first time in my quit, I slipped, smoked two cigarettes, and felt like shit. BUT, I have not slipped again since and I'm back on. I'm not going to let that slip take me down. 

Your post was really helpful. I'm all over cinnamon Trident too and breathing exercises.

I hope you're still doing well and, truly, I appreciate your post. Can't believe how much this little communication exercise helps.


Hi Nick - Just wondering how you are doing.   I slipped on vacation and just haven't been able to commit to quitting again.   I just took my youngest to college, so it's been a crazy few weeks, but I'm going to make a plan, pick a quit date, and start over.   I hope you are still staying strong!

0 Kudos

Kylie - I'm sorry to hear that you slipped and that you're back on. It has to be part of the process. I like your attitude - pick a new date and start over. 

Don't forget about the article you sent me about the college kid suing Juul for the stroke. There is a significant chance that we were causing damage to our blood vessels that can increase the chance of a major stroke. 

I'm tempted to write here "We can't do that to our children," but I hesitate. Even though I absolutely feel that way - that they do not deserve to have their dad take a chance with his health that could compromise my ability to be there for them as adults, for their future children, etc., that reason was never my top for stopping. Sad or not, I have to admit, using nicotine was about the only thing that I do that is really a selfish - "just for me" - thing. I give everything to my wife and kids. There was something almost enjoyable about using the Juul and thinking "this is for me." 

That said, I found other good reasons to stop (I'm still on my quit - one slip with a couple American Spirit cigarettes over the course of the past 5 weeks, but that's it). My reasons are that my lungs don't feel coated and weird as I go to sleep (after puffing on my Juul). I don't have to pull on it when I get up to use the bathroom at night. I don't have to worry about my cartridge supply. I don't have to worry about how angry and betrayed my wife would feel if she found me doing it. 

Don't forget your original quit reasons, Kylie. I admit that it's still a huge struggle, even 5 weeks in now. It's just a big pain in the ass. But that's now becoming my number one reason to quit - that I never want to go through this giant headache of quitting again. 

Call me anytime if you need the help. I'm serious. If anyone needs some help, that's my office line (can't give my home because, as I've said, I was smoking without my wife knowing). Call it and I can help.  


Thank you so much Nick.   I haven't picked a quit day yet, but I am going to go through all the proper steps this time.   The last 2 times I tried to quit, I just threw it out in the trash and I don't think I was prepared enough.    I do remember my #1 reason for wanting to quit... I feel like I am being held hostage to it.   I left it at home on purpose when we took  my daughter to college... we were in the car for 6 hours round trip and then at the school for another 4, so it was a long day.   As if it wasn't hard enough saying goodbye to her, I was completely grumpy because I didn't have my Juul.  That's when I knew I had to do whatever it takes to quit, so here I am again.    It is really inspiring to hear your story, and to see your success, and to know I'm not crazy.   I too hit the Juul in the middle of the night, even though it makes my lungs feel gross......and my husband has no idea about my addiction.     My quit day is going to be soon and I might take you up on that phone call.   Thanks again for setting a great example!


Might I suggest that you edit your blog to get rid of that phone number?  You never know who might be lurking on a public site.  Go to your content on your page (go to your page by clicking on your avatar) , find the blog under Content, hit "Edit" top right.  You might instead offer to give your number if someone asks you by private message.  You find that option by clicking on the username, going to their page, then  message is an option.