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Give and get support around quitting


Quitters in Their 30's

Hello, anyone there? I need some support- I quit smoking tomorrow the 3rd. I choose this day cause I will be very busy back at work hoping it will keep my mind off it. May day usually starts with two before work, and im able to go all day without till the damn drive home! Then its on, evenings are hard- I smoke frequently until i have to go to bed. Weekends and days off are the worst. Im about to be 35yrs old and have smoked for 15 yrs, this HAS to stop!! I want to have a child soon, and i need to be healthy. Any advice on how to make it through the first day?
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112 Respuestas

Just looking for new friends. Anyone that needs support please let me know. I'm 50 days in now.
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Hello fellow 30 somethings. I just joined this site yesterday and am still sorting through the many groups. Since I am 32 I figure...this one fits me, at least my age range. My quit day is July 5th (9 days away). I'm doing the whole trigger avoidance/seperation thing and have already noticed a change in my smoking habits. My smoking co-worker is not so supportive and makes it really hard for me while I am at work but I am doing much better this week than I did last week. I work with her again tonight so what I decided to do was take only a couple of cigarettes that way I restrict myself in a way that I can handle. I know some of you will be thinking if she smokes, I could just get one from her right? Not an option...she smokes full strength menthol and I smoke ultra light non-menthol. And anyone who has smoked both menthol and non-menthol knows that menthol is WAY stronger than even full flavor non-menthol. I can't handle the way my chest feels when I inhale a Newport. I guess I'm just a whimpy soon to be ex-smoker. Have a good day everyone. I must start getting ready for work.
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Hey Everyone!
  I just joined this site today. I am going to be 37 on the 30th and I am really feeling my age and then some! I put down the ciggs today, mid-day actually because I just could not stand it anymore and I have tried about 10 times in a year to quit. I have never had any support before so I am hoping by coming here I will be able to succeed. It has really hit me hard still smoking turning 37. Any help or hints I am all ears! Thanks!

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Just finished counting my cigs and my quit date is tomorrow! I'm ready to give them up! Of course, just had a super stressful day, but I can't let it deter me from my goal. Any suggestions?
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Hey Quitters!!!!!....Day 40...Went from 4mg nic gum--> down to half a piece -->then to spearmint gum, as many and as often as i needed. The chew and tuck method worked for me. Off the gum completely since day 20 or so... Eatin like a small horse though got the keebler soft and chewy's right next to the keyboard. Feel's great taken deep breaths...and kissin the kids without smellin like a ashtray...I do notice a sharp chest pain every now and again...(maybe heart burn from all the food I'm shovelin) And it's true, Cravings don't go away...I have dreams that I cheat and have a (and wake up fellin guilty) What has helped is that I've told everybody and anybody who will listen that I've quit. This has served to add pressure from all angles to stay an X....Stay strong Quitters your all in my prayers!!! Rob
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Alright I made it through one whole day! Trying to get through the tougest part of my day the morning! Baby steps.
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One day at a time'll be easier than you think!
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Today is my quit day! I need a lot of support since my family won't give it to me (they all smoke). I've been on Wellbutrin for a week now, and also have the patch to help with cravings. I've been chewing gum, drinking water, and staying away from anybody who smokes. At least once a minute my brain thinks about a cigarette. I control it, but when will I start thinking about it less? I am absolutely motivated and can't wait to say that I'm not a smoker!
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Good for you Corin! I know it's hard! I'm on day 6 now, and I'm shocked that I got this far. It fly’s by and before you know it you've done really well. I use the patch and it works great for me. I still have those major cravings in the morning but when I get up I just keep really busy, until I go to bed with one more day under my belt! You can do it!
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Jada, I am almost done with day 4 and I can't believe how easy it has been for me. My family smokes, and I got a whiff of a cigarette, and it actually made me want to not smoke more. I could have never done this without medication and my son telling me keep going, I can do this.
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