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Give and get support around quitting


Quiting sucks

I been trying not to think about out.. Its been 5 days since I had a cigarette. I been very moody. And dont have anyone to talk to.. 

33 Replies

Please come here and "talk" your EX friends!  No one knows like a fellow addict what you're going through, so please lean on this community to help you through the rough one can do it "for" you, you do have to do it yourself, but you will get lots of support, encouragement, and wisdom here from those who have gone before you...welcome and make this your "forever" quit!


FIVE DAYS since you had a cigarette???!!!  I hope your patting yourself on the back big time!

Yup, quitting sucks all right.  But losing your teeth because of the effects of smoking, getting COPD, constant bronchitis, coughing all the time, not being able to catch your breath, panting after going up a flight of stairs - that sucks too.  And smoking makes it suck even more.  

So you're doing the right thing by quitting.  Yeah, it sucks.  But not as much as if you didn't quit.  Believe that!  And believe that the sucky part of the journey will get better.  But it takes time.  We all had to hang in long enough until we got past the sucky point.  Are you willing to hang in that long?  No matter what?  Hope so.  'Cause that's what it takes.

You're closing in on your first smoke-free week.  That is FABULOUS!  Cling to it!  Aim for the milestones.  They're good incentives to keep going.


WELCOME and CONGRATS on 5 non smoket days and GOOD JOB!



0 Kudos

WELCOME Panda8608‌!!  You have plenty of us to talk to now!!  Five days is huge.  The nicotine is out of your system.  It's all mental from here on out and this is the trickiest by far.  Please do loads of reading about our addiction to nicotine.  This will make your quit easier to understand and your decisions to stay quit firmer.  Happy Day Six!!!!!!!


Yes it's hard.  That's what we're here for- to support you and to help you see what you're experiencing, we've experienced also.  When you see other's have done it, you know you can too.   Big congrats on 5 days.  You're on you way to a successful journey.



Congrats on five days of freedom.  That is major.  Do you have a plan?  Are you doing cold turkey?  Education is the key to a successful quit. Quitting smoking requires a change in our stinkin thinkin. To be honest "Smoking sucks".  We have been brainwashed that we need and have to have a cigarette How can something be good when we are happy or sad.  How can a cigarette fulfill emptiness and loneliness?  Start believing you do not have to have a cigarette. Say it out loud.  No, I do not need to smoke.  I don't do that anymore.  It is what you think that will set you free along with the willingness to let it go.  One day at a time with the support of EX you can make it. 


Yup, it can feel like quitting sucks, and it's worse if you've tried in the past but gone back to it.  5 days quit is monumental.  I bet you didn't think you'd last even this long. As a 30+ yr., pack a day smoker who's quit more times than I can remember I can assure you that if you hold on to your resolve to stop it will get better.  Getting through the beginning stages where your body is trying to figure out why it is no longer being fed the poison it's used to is the hardest part.  You CAN do this and you will feel SOOOO much better physically and mentally as time goes on.  If you feel as if there's no one to talk to there are thousands of people on this site ready and willing to lend an ear and offer support.  Feel great that you found this community as so many of us probably wouldn't have quit or stayed quit without EX and all the loving, caring, and understanding its' members provide!  Be proud of yourself for every minute without a cloud of smoke around you.  Be well and keep the faith.  We're here anytime you need.


Panda8608‌ , Now, that is far from the truth.  You have ALL of us on this site to talk to.  You have the best group of quitters you could ask to be around, so you are not alone, so start talking!!!  Tell us what is ailing you.  Vent, vent, vent.  That is what this site is all about.  Read, read, read.  Do anything or everything to protect your quit.  You are the only one who can do that.  We can only hold your hand in this journey you are on.


Irish Rose 


Welcome to EX!  Great thing about this group you don't have to do this quit thing by yourself as we all have been in your shoes to trying to find freedom. You now have all of us to talk to so vent to us, read read and read  to educate yourself. Congratulations on 5 days, that is huge be proud of yourself.