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Give and get support around quitting


Quit smoking as fast as possible

How to quit smoking 

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11 Replies

Good morning, Adamaguira92

Not quite sure what you're asking, but wanted to reach out anyway.

What's the fastest way to stop smoking?  Put down the cigarettes and never, ever pick them up again.

That is a glib answer to a serious question, but, in essense, that's what we do here.

How to prevent picking up cigarettes is a much, much longer discussion.

Some go cold turkey and power through cravings

Some us nicotine replacement therapy like the patch or gum to help them over the rough spots.

Some have used hypnosis or even accupuncture.

All of us here a convinced that being here, posting and reading, have helped us quit and stay quit.

Poke around this site, read the questions, stories and blogs.  Create a quit plan and set a date.

You'll be glad you did.


Keep the Quit

Welcome to the Ex.   Pick a quit date, educate  yourself about nicotine addiction, create a quit plan and stay close to this side for support.   My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX 

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I'll repeat what a member here at Ex often says: quitting is not an event, it's a journey. Some recover faster than others, but if you want to quit, you must decide to do so. There are medicines and patches--they are aids, and cannot quit for you unless you decide--stick with Ex, read, learn about the addiction. Take the time to accept that quitting is your responsibility. Given that, Ex is here for you everyday.

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How to get the nicotine gum or patch?

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 12:23 PM maryfreecig <>


Walmart has both products, small cost (you don't have to start with 3 month supply box). If you look at the patches and don't like the price, possibly because you don't want to waste the money in case you don't quit...then first work on your attitude. 15 dollars for a box of patches is far cheaper than three days cigarettes--plus it's about you taking responsibility--as addicts, all of us, taking responsibility is what really heals our minds. Yes you can.


You may be able to get patches free from your state  1-800-QUIT-NOW

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Check with your state's quitline (800-QUIT-NOW), your county health department or your health care provider for your options on patches.  Welcome!  Glad you've joined us.  

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You can get 2 weeks of the walmart brand of patches for $26.00 If you smoke about a pack or more, start with 21mg. If you are a very heavy smoker, you can use lozenges as well. You can get 1 month of patches for free if you call 1-800-784-8669 (quit now) They will provide counseling for you too which is an added benefit to this site.


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Using Nicotine Gum or patches would not be the fastest way to quit. However it does work for some. The main thing is don't smoke another sickerette no matter what! With NRTs (patches and gum) you simply delay the physical withdrawal while you work on the psychological withdrawal. They don't "quit" for you. Knowing this might make the difference. So glad you're making the best decision of your life! 😃