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Give and get support around quitting

Quit in Danger

I fear my quit is in danger. My boyfriend and I broke up. Although I know it's for the best and I've known for awhile we weren't right for each other,  I am still going to miss the relationship. I will miss the companionship and someone to do thing with. I practically lived there.  I only came home to work.  I was a mother to his little boy who I would give my life for. I loved him as my own. Now he has lost 2 mothers in his short little life. I am going to miss him horribly.  I'm going over there to collect my things tomorrow. Smoking has crossed my mind a bazillion times. I've lost 17 pounds in a week because I can't eat.  Please help me.

Broken-hearted #782 DOF

96 Replies

kristen-9.7.15  You are such an amazing young woman and the right man IS out just is not HIM.  You are too good for him. I MEAN that.  You deserve to be treated like the treasure you are.

Big glad they didn't have texting around when I was young.  I might have gotten into some real trouble.  I am so glad that smoking has not been on your mind.



elvan‌ People can’t understand why I deleted my Facebook so many years ago. For this exact reason! You CANT get away from your past, ie EX boyfriends! It is too easy to contact and receive unwanted updates on exes! I wish there was no texting or internet ( there should only be internet to quit smoking! Haha). 


Man, I really am glad there was no internet or cell phones when I was young, I REALLY would have been in trouble.  I am sure that it's much harder these days because you cannot really get away from people who you were in a relationship with.  Wow, Facebook would be HORRIBLE.  I only signed up for it to communicate with my kids and many people from my past have contacted me.  Seriously?  I can hardly remember most of them.  

You are getting there, you really are, it's just hard to see those baby steps making progress but they ARE.



So much harder! 

You deserve so much better! Don't sell yourself short! The he you want to love doesn't exist - he's already proven that he is not that. But somewhere out there is so don't give up looking - just not that way!


This latest commentary just makes me all the more happy that I never signed up on Facebook.  My birds tweet in the back yard.  That's good enough for me.  It's too bad they don't have filters for exes.  Put in the name of your ex on a filter and you no longer receive ANY INFO about them whatsoever.  Since that's not the case, YOU have to filter it all out.  

Practice the "re-focus" techniques you do for a craving.  It will work just as well.  


I dunno how i ever missed tis blog, but kristen-9.7.15, your sure loved by all of us

@Giulia Im not on FB either  nor do I wanna be

Mandolinrain‌  Yeah, I was hoping this blog was behind me....  LOL

At this moment, I think quitting smoking was easier!  LOL.... I will be fine.  I just have to remind myself why we broke up in the first place.  


remember.... when going gets tough..... tough ones get going...... be tough lady....