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Give and get support around quitting

Quit in Danger

I fear my quit is in danger. My boyfriend and I broke up. Although I know it's for the best and I've known for awhile we weren't right for each other,  I am still going to miss the relationship. I will miss the companionship and someone to do thing with. I practically lived there.  I only came home to work.  I was a mother to his little boy who I would give my life for. I loved him as my own. Now he has lost 2 mothers in his short little life. I am going to miss him horribly.  I'm going over there to collect my things tomorrow. Smoking has crossed my mind a bazillion times. I've lost 17 pounds in a week because I can't eat.  Please help me.

Broken-hearted #782 DOF

96 Replies

Hang in there!  I know so many have chimed in and are here to support you.  I am local and in the Chicago area.  I am happy and willing to help you if you need.  Take it one second at a time.  Stick with it and try to eat something even if it is chicken soup.

roller831‌ Thank you.  No smoking 


. Sorry to hear this. You should try to eat something light.It might help you feel better. You would feel worse if you lost your quit.

Thank you Jim


kristen-9.7.15  I so wish that we could all make your pain go away but I know that no matter how much you know you are loved, you are hurt right now and you have a big wound that has to heal.  I hope and pray that you can do something for yourself...something special, treat yourself are worth it, you do not deserve this hurt.  You are such a kind and loving person and you have many, many people here who are sending you love and hugs.


elvan‌ Thanks Ellen.  I feel bad for him.  He has been through so much.  Even though he is the one who ended it, im sure i helped make his decision easy.

0 Kudos

Sometimes when we want something so badly we care more about the other person than we do ourselves.  Baby girl.  It is time to let the healing process start.  You can not continue to blame yourself.  Somethings are just not meant to be and we can not make them if it is in not in God's will.   You want to be happy and obviously this is not it.  You have given all you can give and you have to accept that and move on.  Don't mean to sound harsh, but it is what it is.  Learn from this.  Your life is just as important has his and his child.  Room temperature ginger ale and some crackers will help settle your stomach.  You have to eat. I love you and God loves you, remember that.  Try to smile.  I love it when you smile. 


I agree with Jackie...don't take responsibility for this, you are an amazing woman and you need to remember that and the fact that no matter what he has been through, it had nothing to do with you, you did everything you COULD do for him and for his little tried to make a family.  He wasn't ready to accept that, you are not responsible for his shortcomings.  

I hope you can start to eat have to take care of yourself, no relationship is worth falling apart least none that I have ever had.  

Love and hugs,


I'm trying JACKIE1-25-15 elvan

0 Kudos

Oh honey, we KNOW you are, I so wish I could get a hug to go through the computer and just hold you and feed you ice cream and comfort food.  It will get better but there is no way to make it better right now.  You are loved by so many people here...PLEASE feel that love coming to you.
