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Give and get support around quitting


Quit day was June 20th

I am on day 5 without a cigarette and today had by far been the hardest. I can't believe what my body is going through. I started out using the patch the 1st day, but the 14 mg patch seems to be a little too much for me (even only wearing it for about 12 hours). It makes my heart race for the first 3 hours or so that I have it on and makes me feel a little nervous. I have pretty much been using that every other day-and using will power for the rest of the time.
One thing that I'm REALLY struggling with is that I just don't feel like myself....and don't know if it's the whole "smoking defines who you are" mentality or not...but I feel weird and super sad off and on. I got to work this morning and literally held back tears for 3 hours. I'm going to pick up some Nicotine gum tonight after work to see if I control my "outbursts" a little better with just a little bit of Nicotine.
On a positive note though...I haven't been giving in to triggers and cravings at all. I can say honestly I have not slipped since I put my mind to this 5 days ago. I am extremely determined to honestly say I don't smoke. I'm still working on feeling comfortable saying that.
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5 Respuestas

We have the same quit date. Keep on going, you will make it! Sounds like your doing well by not giving in to triggers and cravings. Good for you!!
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Liz: I'm new here and yours was the first posting that caught my eye.

I'm real proud of you for making it to day 5! As far as I'm concerned, that makes you 5 days a hero. Keep it up.

Maybe try the 7 mg patch if 14 is too strong? And, your "moods" are probably to be expected as the nicotine receptors in your brain aren't getting their addiction fed and they're acting up.

I'm tracking my usage now and will try for a June 30 Quit Date.

Keep going!
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Yes, if your going to rely on NRT's, you need to stay on a steady intake.. Your putting your body through a constant nicotine yo-yo, and that, along w/ quitting smoking, is a lot for a person to take... Hope the smaller steady dose of NRT's works better for you. And hang in there...

My name is Keith, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 9 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes and 19 seconds (9 days).

I've not smoked 360 death sticks, and saved $72.07.
I've saved 1 day and 6 hours of my life.
0 Kudos

You're right....I can't do that to my body. I'm going in the morning to get a smaller dosage or preferably gum so I can take care of cravings one at a time and that's it. Nice to meet you Keith and congratulations on your accomplishments. Keep doing good!
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Good Deal! Just remember that until you terminate nicotine intake, your body will still be in a constant withdrawl/intake cycle (hopefully smaller ups/downs with an NRT)...

You may want to review some info at about nicotine, and how to stop nicotine intake 100%....
And they have links to cool nicotine quit counters! 🙂

My name is Keith, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 9 days, 11 hours, 55 minutes and 36 seconds (9 days).

I've not smoked 361 death sticks, and saved $72.20.
I've saved 1 day, 6 hours and 4 minutes of my life.
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