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Give and get support around quitting


Quit date today

Well this fewls like my thousandth time quiting i hope i can do it support from home is lets say not great.  Well that why i am hear i have tried many methods and technics to no avail.  I have moved out of my house to do this and stay away from the negative energy there not sure if i will ever move back in but thats another story.  So day at best is sucking two packs of gum atleast 1/4 package of lifesavers.  I hate this right now but i am standing strong and will not fail myself again.  Smoking for over thirty years and i feel like i dont know how to do anything right now. My ADHD is also in extra high gear as well.  Its time to put my supossed best friend that has taken my life under his control and boot him to the curb.  

29 Replies

Best friend?  Get your head examined lady. Start thinking different. I think it is great that you moved somewhere to do this. This is a great mountain for you to climb and I am here to cheer you on. You are doing absolutely great, this time, hold tight to that quit. Your life depends on it.  God, woman, you don't want another day one ever ever ever.  Drink lots of water, sleep lots, do not let yourself thinkabout cigarettes, change the subject. Chew on ice. take a shower, chew licorice, the sourer the better. Drink carbonated water. ;You are detoxing now and your kidneys are helping so drink lots of water. Drink it untill you girgle when you walk. bless you we are praying for you. make the daily pledge  on this site. Hold your breath and scream if you have to.  But do not put a cigarette to your lips. I hope you have none in your house?  not one puff ever. one puff will get your addicted again and ruin your quit. stay close to this site. we have your back.


Welcome! Your at a awesome site, so much love and support here! We have your back

0 Kudos

Karen first of all thats why i termed it supossed best friend second im a dude.  I have had my head examined and the only thing wrong with it is my ADHD and my spelling sucks but what ever.  Thanks for the support.


Ok Dude. Not to worry about spelling, the message is out loud and clear that you are quitting smoking. Keep in touch and best wishes for your quit. Are you doing the daily pledge?


repeat after me "I can do this". My quit day is Sunday and starting to get nervous but staying strong. We can do this together


Welcome!  Stay close to this site.  I am new here but have already found a wealth of info.  Smoking is NOT your best friend.  We will be. We all want to succeed and we'll help each other.  Congrats, my friend, for taking that big step.

Donna 4DOF


So i am 1.5 hours from being tabacco free for 24 hours.  I have gone thru my entire bag of lifsavers, 1/2 of my bucket of twizlers, one pack of cinamon gum,  4 small bottles of cinamon mouth wash cant even figure out how much coffee i have drank but it been a lot.  Im in a good mood but do want to burn one.  Staying strong.


I had to stay away from coffee for a while, too much of a trigger. gum helps a lot the first few days then you don't need it anymore. couple more days and the physical withdrawal will be gone and then its just mental obstacles.

Good luck!


You are doing GREAT!  One moment, one hour, one day at a time for now.  This does get easier.  Congratulations on 24 hours free.  I slept a bunch my first few days to pass the time quicker as the nicotine left my body.  Not sure if that is an option for you, but hang in there and take good care of yourself.  Keep up the great work.

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Quitting is a day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time, one experience at a time.  We all had to learn how to handle life without stuffing our emotions and ALLOWING ourselves to feel.  There is nothing wrong with feeling anger or sadness or pain...physical or emotional.  We CAN get through the rough times the same way people who never smoked ALWAYS have.  They worked through CAN do this.  This site is a life saver and the people here will support you and hold you will be surprised at how much better you will feel physically AND emotionally.  It is a JOURNEY, no shortcuts, no easy ways out...but it is worth every step FORWARD.
