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Give and get support around quitting


Quit date is tomorrow 11-15-2020

Looking for advice to get ready. I've been reading on this site and educating myself. Any advice on what I should do first thing in the morning.......

11 Respuestas

Tonight throw all dipping away...tomorrow morning, change up your routine...if you dipped in the morning ... then go off and take a walk, drink your coffee, clean something, etc., You can do this...keep close to the support site...Colleen 712 DOF 



First, throw out every single tin of chew before you go to bed tonight.  Keeping any around is just giving yourself permission to fail.  Get rid of all the spit cups, etc.tonight, too.

Change up your routine.  If you always stuck  a chew in when you first got up, or after your first cup of coffee, do something ELSE at that time  Go for a walk, or march in place.  Take a different route to work so the scenery is different.  Count the red/ blue cars you see as you drive.  Keep a cold bottle of water with you at all times from which to sip - and do that often.  Helps the craves, and helps to detox your body, too!  Put on some tunes and sing out loud as you get dressed and ready for your day.  Dance if a song encourages you!  Brush your teeth early and often - and enjoy how fresh your mouth tastes and feels!  Get the idea?

If you don't already have some, get some sugarfree gum or mints or even something like Fireballs or Sour Patch Kids to keep your mouth busy.  Get some grapes and freeze them - maybe some Hershey Kisses - I had a frozen one every morning with my coffee.

You will need to keep extra busy in the earliest days - so make of list of what you can do.

You can do this - I KNOW you can.

Promise yourself you will blog "HELP" here before you give him.

Can't wait to celebrate Day WON with you tomorrow night!



Wake up and tell yourself.  "I don't do that anymore.' and breathe deep. /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2020/08/26/practice-this-breathing-exercise?sr=search&searchId=7d831063-c7...‌.  Keep a bottle of cold water close by. see the list @101 Things to do instead of smoke. Come here stay close. 


Wake up in the morning and tell yourself you are finally going to be FREE! Be realistic and know that there will be difficult moments. But BELIEVE with all your heart that you CAN DO THIS!!! We all did and we are no different from you.

BY THE WAY.....tomorrow is a LUCKY quit day. I quit 11/15/2009 and will be quit for 11 years tomorrow!!!

Stay Strong.


Just draw a thin blue line and don't cross it.  Seriously.  Write the things you WILL NOT DO tomorrow as far as your addition and put a thin blue line under it.  And don't cross it.  And stick to it.  That's all you need do.  That's all any of us have done here.  We created a line that we won't cross.  No matter what.  

As far as reality and what you should do first thing in the morning - ANYTHING but what you normally do is what I would say.  Totally change your routine.  Don't drink coffee if you do, don't exercise first thing if you do, don't take the same route to work if you do... quitting an addiction is all about changing our modus operandi.  We have to change a lot of parts of us in order to get this done.  We have to change our behaviors AND the way we think.  Besting an addition take work, perseverance and a WILLINGNESS to change.  Doesn't mean we can't go back to the parts of our life we found comfortable, but quitting an addiction is an uncomfortable process - whichever way you go about it.  Might as well just jump into the fray and then see how it goes.  Be spontaneous.  Be bold.  Experiment,  Let the kid in you come out.  You have absolutely NOTHING to lose and everything to gain.  Just GO FOR IT and don't worry about it.  We here to support you whichever way you do it.  Ya know?  


Congratulations on your  quit date !

May be write down ten times.. I will not smoke !

Make some changes in your routine. For example, if you had coffee and smoke together in the morning, avoid coffee, and have glass of hot water. Start the day with good feelings. No panic, NOPE henceforth !

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Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!

You can do this - sometimes it's a few minutes at a time in the early days.  Just stay strong and determined!!!!

Stay close and let us know if you need support.


Welcome and congrats on your first day smoke free.  Never forget--we're here for you.


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Charge on!

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