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Give and get support around quitting


Quit Buddy Needed

I have a lot of friends who are smokers. We've all said that we'd quit together, but you know how that goes. I need someone who will really help me out with this!!! My non smoking friends are less supportive than I thought they'd be considering the crap I get when I step outside for a smoke! I'm plannin on quitting June 1st. So, if you're interested please let me know...I'm going to need all the help I can get with this one!
Etiquetas (1)
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6 Respuestas

Hi Stacy,
I'm Kate. I started smoking when I was 16. Just after my 24th birthday (this past Jan) I found out I am pregnant and quit smoking. I tried for so many years and could never do it for myself. Since I've been pregnant it's been hard, but I care more about my baby. Since January my fiancee of 3 years and I got married on valentine's day. My new mother in law has I believe tried everything in her power to make it more difficult for me to stay quit. She is constantly coming to the house smoking and in the car smoking and telling me all the time I can't do it. I know I can. I know what you are going through with people not being supportive. You just need to remember you aren't doing this for them. You are doing this for you. With your quit date coming up I wish you all the best. Just keep telling yourself you can do it, because you can.
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I'll quit with you. I had planned to quit June 13th but I really want to quit now. Have you tracked your triggers and the separation exercises? I woke up this morning with the first thought of putting together a 'quit kit' and getting rid of lighters, etc.
I think that it's empowering to read the posts of people who have quit , too.
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Hi Stacy,

Count me in! My quit date is June 1 as well. It's the latest (and I sincerely hope last) date. If we get some more quitters together, I think it would be a huge source of support. Let me know how it plays out.

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I have been working on my separation exercises and I'm really surprised that it worked so well! I've been tracking my tirggers, although, that is going to be the hardest thing for me. I love coffee and cigarettes...I'm a full time is going to be a part of my life! I'd really like for it to work this time for both of us....tomorrow is the big day!!! I'm so excited. Thanks for your support!
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Lets do it!!!! The more people we get banning together, the more support we all will have. It is so important to have people to hold us accountable. I really think that with the dedication we all seem to have, and the amount of support we can find here we'll all be able to quit for good this time!
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I totally agree! I've always found a reason to go back to smoking myself. It is important that we rely on eachother for support. There will be bumps in the road. with a group of people around to back us up and get us through the hard times, we'll do it this time!
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