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Give and get support around quitting


Quit After 30+ Years

I have smoked for over 40 years and have quit once about 10 yr ago for 6 weeks. I am so ready to stop this bad habit.  I hate the smell that it leaves in my clothes. So much so that I will not smoke if I am going out to a store or to eat. I am a little embarrased to even say I have smoked for so many years but it is what it is.   Now I have 20 days before my quit date and I will start today using the things I have learned on this site so far.  I hope to get the patch but if not then I will be doing this cold turkey.

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71 Respuestas

Thanks to all of you for sharing your life journey with this addiction. I really want to be successful this time. My quit day is tomorrow.


I was glad to find this group.   I'm 66 and have smoked since I'm 16.  There I said it - I always cringe when non-smokers or doctors or anyone asked me that question and avoided answering.    April 26th is my scheduled quit day.   I've done a lot of reading and preparation.  I've noted triggers and started the separation from them   I've told my friends and family (smokers and non-smokers) some of whom have responded with encouragement and offers of getting together for walks and talks or just saying "what can I do to help."   Today it's wash curtains and drapes, blankets and spreads, air out the house and closets, remove all lighters, ashtrays, etc.    Happily the weather is cooperating!   I realized a long time ago I had to take this step.   My two sons, one married, one getting married in October of this year have wonderful women in their lives and my family has grown to include their families.   I want to be around (and healthy!!!) for grandchildren (Oh how I am hopig for grandchildren).    I feel much better about starting this.   I've tried in the past, but never really took positive steps or educated myself on how to accomplish my goal.    So, here I go!    My congrats to all of you who are just starting or who are well into their journey.   I'm joining your successful ranks.  


Hello,   I just turned 59 and I plan on quitting May 16. I have been smoking since i was 11, 48 years!  Wow!  I hate smoking but do it from habit. The mental challange will be the hardest part for me. This is around the 15th time I 've quit n will do so till I get it right.      The patch has worked 4 me in the past so I will use that along with non-nicitine vapor.   I need something for my mouth and hands to do. Lol, no crude comments please.          I hope for some weight gain as I have lost 50+ pounds and need it.  I am not working now due to disabilty and smoke twice as much as before. I hope with help n support this will be the last time n we will all succeed. Looking forward to talking and sharing to you all.



I've been smoking for 37 yrs. I'm a 55 year old male, and I quit on April 2, 2015. So far, the urges to smoke haven't been that bad, what has been really bad is the depression I've been feeling. It has steadily been getting worse. I'm taking welbutrin and Trazadone, but neither helps much. Any suggestions?


I agree with all of you.  I started smoking when I was 15 years old.  I am now 57.  Smoking 42 years.  I have stopped 100 times but never quit.  I stopped for 9 months when I was pregnant.  I need to hear your success  stories.  Good for all of you.  Keep up the good work.   Donna


Hi, I'm Judy. I go by nomore. It took me several days to figure out how to get on here. My quit date is 6/4. I've been smoking around 45 years with lots of stops and starts. Really I'm wanting to quit because smoking is becoming such a pain, like it's in my way. Trying it this time with advice cuz I sure don't know what I'm doing. Like the first time I dieted I had no idea it was so complicated! I'm in the process of seperating triggers right now. Good luck everybody!




Im Mark, been smoking for 36+ years, quit 4/23/15 @ 7:28 PM.  First weekend was HELL, last couple days I have been fully of anxity.  Odd, feeling, no real breathing issues that would cause this.  Mayby the Nicotine was self medication for deeper issues?Kind of relate to SoxBearsFan.  I am gonna stay quit, I want to live and watch my Grandchilder grow and spend as much time with the wife (the love of my life).


Hi, I just joined this site.  I have been smoking for 50 years.  In those years I've had a few quits.  

I quit cold turkey April 17, 2015. 


Here I am,,, again...  I set a date earlier in the yr. but didn't follow through with the prep work needed.  So I gotta new date set in 2wks.  I know I can do this!  For me I have to include some type of physical exercise if even taking a daily walk which always reminds me of how short of breath I am and inspires me to stick with my resolve to quit for good!


Hello everyone, just joined this group, been smoking for 44 years, and want to stop cause my health insurance is going up. I'm stoked just reading your posts. Keep up the good work.