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Give and get support around quitting


Quit After 30+ Years

I have smoked for over 40 years and have quit once about 10 yr ago for 6 weeks. I am so ready to stop this bad habit.  I hate the smell that it leaves in my clothes. So much so that I will not smoke if I am going out to a store or to eat. I am a little embarrased to even say I have smoked for so many years but it is what it is.   Now I have 20 days before my quit date and I will start today using the things I have learned on this site so far.  I hope to get the patch but if not then I will be doing this cold turkey.

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71 Respuestas

I'm 57 and smoked over 40 years.  I've quite at least 6 times previously.  I've been quit for 45 days now and doing fine.  A little lost still on what to do with my time but getting better everyday.  I love that I can say I don't smoke!!  Every time I've wanted to buy a pack, just one, I'd remind myself how hard it is to quit again and that stops me.  Good luck to everyone-we got this!!!


As most of you know by now, I smoked for 53 years -- started when I was 13.  Back then you could smoke everywhere all the time and I did.  That was when I was a 3-pack a day smoker.  Then as things got more restrictive and you couldn't smoke at work or in businesses, I was down to 2 packs a day (but not because I chose to cut down).  I  started to say I can't even begin to calculate the number of cigarettes I smoked over that time period, but then I got curious and tried.  It's a guesstimate, but it's a huge number.  I figured that I smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day from 1962 to 1992, 2 packs a day from 1993 to 2013 and 1 pack a day from January 1 of 2014 to December 31 of 2014 when I quit.  The number?  956,300 cigarettes.  I'm obviously sitting here in shock.  That's very close to a million cigarettes.  How my lungs have survived I cannot even begin to imagine.  I must REALLY have good genes!   But while I've been lucky so far, that doesn't mean I don't treasure this quit, and know the damage I have done.  So thankful for this site.

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Hi there.  I am 58, smoked for 43 years and have been quit for 13 days.  I am excited and terrified at the same time. Excited for the freedom from smoking and my already increased health, terrified that I will blow it and allow the addition to control me once again.  In all of my smoking years, I only quit once long ago, for about 6 months or so.  I haven't even tried to quit until now. Now I really want it.  I want to be free from those rotten, stinky cancer sticks.


Hi ! I have been smoking for 50 years I have tried to quit at least 4 or 5 times but I am really hoping this is the last and final quit . Today is 3 weeks, I quit on Feb 8th after getting down to 1/2 a cigarette a day so I actually began the journey to my quit January 9th .

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Hi everybody, my stop date is March 25 2015. I have smoked for over 55 years. I have  tried to stop 5 or 6 time since May 2014, at that time I was smoking 3 and 1/2 to 4 packs a day and had been for about 10 or 12 years. I was 14 years old when I started smoking in front of my parents. I was sliping arount smoking for about 3 years before that. A pack of cig would last me about 2 day when I was 14 and I started smoking more and more till I got 1 pack then 2 pack then 3 packs a day over a about a 43 year period. The first pack I bought cost 25 cents and now that won't even pay the tax on a pack. Te cost is only one reason I want to stop the other reason I want to live a healther life for what time I have left. 45 years ago I was told I had type 1 diabetes, if I had used my head I would have stopped then but I didn't. I had no idea that it was going to be this hard. I stopped drinking when I found out I was a diabetic and it was easy. I can use all the help I can get, but I do know it is up to me to stop.

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Hi everybody, my quit date is March 22nd, been smoking since I was 14, and can't wait to hear from everyone who is trying to quit, it's hard, and talking to people who are dealing with the same thing has to be helpful, hope everyone has a good evening

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I remember learning how to smoke when I was 19, Tarringtons, they made me sick and I really had to work at this addiction, now I am 66 and working pretty hard at getting a handle on quitting, my stop date was February 3, 49 days ago.   Woohoo, I have the upper hand for now, but I need to remind myself daily that this addiction can get pretty creative in planting urges in my brain, sometimes I can deal with the urges logically...other days I just have to chew gum, take a walk, and recognize that I am winning the war.


Hi.  I'm Ana from the Central Valley in California.  I started smoking when I was 15 and I'm 55 now.  I'm having a hard time staying quit.  With the help of Chantix, I was finally successful.  But shortly after stopping the Chantix (maybe 3 months) I initially started having puffs here and there - never more than 3, mind you! - and have now increased the frequency since the cravings are getting Worse.  I've started the initial proceedings to get the Chantix back -- I really want to do this!!!  Any comments for me?  People at home still smoke and I don't feel I have a lot of support.  

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Hi to all of you living the same hell I am!! thi sis my 5th day smoke free been smoking for 52 years, my father and some friends have died from lung cancer, including my mother inlaw that nevere smoked on her life but every one around did, so there is the result.

I have tried 5 or 7 times no availe I sincerly hope I can make it this time. Iam with hte patch and when the craving is to hard I take a vapor cigarrete with no nicotine, it helps alot.I'm going to continue and hope this time I will make it.

I will keep you informed of my progres.' YES WE CAN"



Hello Out There!  I quit 3-30-15 (nine days ago) after smoking for 41 years.  I have noticed that every time I say that to anyone it makes me more determined to stay quit which is really helpful since I have one of those trick-me brains that keeps trying to tell me it will be easier to quit AFTER.  You know, AFTER I lose a bit of weight, or AFTER I finish my spring cleaning, or AFTER vacation.  My brain dishes those out like popcorn at a movie!!