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Give and get support around quitting


Quit After 20+ Years

I am using the site to stop my nasty habit. My quit date is 02/23/10 and I am doing it for my health and my family, not to mention the overwhelming expenses. I'm 40 and know that smoking is aging me beyond what nature intended. I truly love to smoke but I have to stop. How can I tell my 15 and 16 year olds to never smoke when that is all they have ever seen me do. I have this beautiful granddaughter that is 9 months from my 23 year old (who also smokes) and I don't want her biggest memory of  me being the way that I smelled like smoke.

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128 Replies

I was on chantix for about 2 weeks made withdrawls alot more tolerable. Decreased physical craving alot. I went off it becuase I cold not get decent sleep. I kept having crazy dreams of chasing penguins all night. I talked to my doctor prior to weening off. I still am trying to learn life with out smokes. Chantix was great for the withdrawls if you really have a hard time with them. I carry dumb dumb suckers with me for the drive and try to stay busy the rest of my time. exercise does help. It feels great when you can take a deep breath and not hack. good luck hope to see ya around.

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i good luck with chantix , quit for 6 mons.  went  back 5 weeksago smoking again, yes i was stupid, i worry about my weight to much, i am going to ask the docx. for another round if she will give it to me. my dreams was not to bad, it did upset my stomch but i was determer to quit good luck 70rrhcso8r, we can do this. all of you hang in there.

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I'm a 37 year old woman, happily married w/ 8 yr old and 2 yr old daughters.  I absolutely hate smoking and abosolutely love it.  Quitting tomorrow. 

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Hi, I'm new to ex. 1st day on the site. Day 4 on Chantix. I am just short of post op (aorto bifemoral bypass). After 10 days in the hospital, I didn't think I would need any help. My surgeon said I would! I go to classes 2 nights a week. After a 30 year habit, I don't know if I can get enough support.  My group quit date is Thurs 02/11/10; I really need to make that date.

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good luck  exceleste set your mine to quiting you can do it every body stay strong.

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Well, I am now going to try this group. My cancer group did not take off so good. Today is 44 days of quit after 30 years of smoking. I did love it. But I hate it now.

Chantix made me suicidal. I like the commit cherry lozenges.

NOPE-not one puff ever

i fell off the wagon for 6 weeks before i realized this. not 1 EVER!!!

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you would think that one puff would not hurt, but it does nictine is a weard drug, i quit for 6 mons. 1 puff put me back to smoking, quiting is hard i got to do it again. i hope this will be my last time.

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day 32 for me!  I have put on about 7 pounds and that is depressing.  I have been going to the gym but I guess I am eating more but I feel more hungry also.  I already workout for 1 and a half hours 5 days a week.  This happens every time I try to quit and I purposely start back up to get rid of the weight.  I can't this time.  This has to be the last time for me.  How can I stop from gaining more weight?  I am on the atkins diet and have been for years but the not smoking changes everything.

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I have been looking all over this site for about two weeks now. My quit date is the 26th adn I am getting sortof nervous.I know I can do this but I am very worried about gainng weight,in the last 6 months I have lost about 30 pounds and i like the way I look except for the cigarette in my mouth. I am nervous about signing up on this site as this is where i do most of my smoking!!  On the computer Any hints??  I am cleaning house today nd getting rid of all signs of smoking. My husband adn son are very supportive although my husband looks funny evertime I light up as if to say I thought you were uitting  he has no idea!!  I am going to need lots of support and any hints or suggestions I will Greatly appreciate tehm!! Thanks ~~ Vickie

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For anyone who has tried it. Does hypnosis work? I've considered going to a group hypnosis and they (throw in weight loss) for the same price. Or I can go to a qualified doctor and be hynotized one on one. My husband wants to go too. If he doesn't quit with me I know it'll be too hard for me to try it alone.

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