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Give and get support around quitting


Quit After 20+ Years

I am using the site to stop my nasty habit. My quit date is 02/23/10 and I am doing it for my health and my family, not to mention the overwhelming expenses. I'm 40 and know that smoking is aging me beyond what nature intended. I truly love to smoke but I have to stop. How can I tell my 15 and 16 year olds to never smoke when that is all they have ever seen me do. I have this beautiful granddaughter that is 9 months from my 23 year old (who also smokes) and I don't want her biggest memory of  me being the way that I smelled like smoke.

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128 Replies

I signed up just a few minutes ago and this will be my first real attempt at quitting. I've been smoking for 51 years and now it's time to quit. I want to improve my health and save some money while doing it. I going to give it my best effort and "Good luck"  to the rest of the group.

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I have smoker for about 30 yrs, and I love it.  But I need to quit - it is SO bad for me in so many ways.  I'm weaning off of cigs with the help of Chantix.  I've been taking it for 5 days, and it is helping with the urge.  My problem is my thinking patterns.  It seems like almost EVERY situation is a mental trigger!  My brain is fighting me!  But I'll try damn hard, and I'll pray damn hard.  I know God didn't save me from a terrible addiction so I could kill myself with cigs!  Qutiing is SUCH a hard thing to do!!!!

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yes quiting is hard to, i have got to do it all over, i hate that, 6mon. quit and i blew it, i do hate to go threw it again but i will, good luck

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Just signed up tonight...........quit date the 16th!!  22 fnk years of smoking!! So pissed off at myself!!! Im feeling this is the group to join since we have been abusing ourselves for the longest. Wish I could be put in a coma for a year as not to deal with the upcoming crap. Yes....of course I have tried to quit before. My longest was 3 months.  "Oh but I can have one....wonder what it tastes like?'   It tasted like a freakin ashtray....but for some reason that was intriguing???  Anyway.....obviously I am pissed off at myself. I have to get over it........and look forward to learning from you all. I REALLY WANT TO BEABLE TO SAY........I DO NOT SMOKE!!!!  Dont Ya'll???


SCREW CIGARETTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hello all. I just found and joined this site tonight, I have been smoking since I was 14, I'm now a 52 year old disabled widow. I have a ton of medical problems. Some are COPD, asthema, diabetes and others. I want to quit for health reasons, and finacial ones too. I'm Praying that I can do it this time. I have tried a ton of times before. If any one can give me any help I'll gladly take them. Praying for us all tobecome a ex-smoker. Donna

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Hi, I have smoked for 40 years, its time to quit, I got chantix from my doctor. I tried to quit a couple of times before, but I wasn't really serious, this time it feels different. I have been looking at lots of places for help and this seems like the best one so far. I will be checking this site everyday. I will need all the help I can get. I stopped doing drugs 7years ago, but to stop smoking is so hard, but I am determined this time. I sure need all your advice and the things that are working for you, Thanks for helping!

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Alright, here I go! I'm having my last cig now. I know my quit date isn't until the 23rd of next month but the guilt is starting to get to me. I have a huge day at the office today. So much to do, so little time, as usual there but I want to quit now. It might not be the right choice but my mind is telling me to quit writing about it and get it started now. All of the sudden, I'm starving!!!

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hi everyone, new to this site but looking at the comments -not new to the addiction. Im on day three and everytime the craving comes over I find something new to clean. Told my friend  if this kept up I would need the keys to their house!

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Just signed up to this site, because I know I will need help.  I just turned 57 and have been smoking since I was 16. Somehow I always managed to qut when I was pregnant.....but always went back........I am angry with myself for letting it go this long.    I hate it and love smoking at the same time......It is time and I hope and pray that knowing that alot of us are doing this at the same time will help........

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I just found this site. My quit date is set for tomorrow (jan. 14). I am really nerverous about this. I have been smoking since age 24, am 46 now. I quit once for 6 mths. Boy do i regret picking up this again. I no some of the stuggles of quitting me i am facing. I am determined to do it this time for good. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE.

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