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Quit 148 days ago !!!

Hi everyone, I quit smoking 148 days ago. I am a 35 year old single mother of two boys with 2 jobs, trying to finish a Phd. I had always postponed quitting because I was scared to quit because of all the responsibility I have and I was afraid to  drop all the balls I juggle. I smoked a pack a day, menthol cigarettes for almost 20 years. This is the way I quit, I used the nicotine patches for 10 weeks to ween my body off the nicotene without going crazy. I also bought the ecigarette WITHOUT the nicotene to battle the physical part of it. I got the mint flavored cartridges which tasted kind of similar to  the menthol taste I was used to.   The only negative is that I gained 15 pounds, everything else has been positive. I have a lot more energy, I can focus better without worrying about getting up from whatever I am working on and going outside to light up. I am very proud of myself. I have recently started to use my gym membership and I am going to stay committed to that as well, in order to get the 15 pounds off and enjoy my ability to actually do cardio without getting out of breath!  I saw the ecigarette on the talk show The Doctors so I figured if they suggest it, its worth a shot. After 148 days I rarely puff on the ecig, I mostly chew sugar free gum and in my snack cabinet I keep unsalted peanuts and the mini-bags of popcorn. I have never loved snacks more in my life 🙂   I know I have to lay off the snacks but I am taking it one day at a time. You could not pay me a million bucks to pick up a cigarette now, woohoo!!

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2 Replies

That is so awesome , congratulations! I have considered looking into the ecigarettes but there are just so many types available. I also want to get the kind that contain no nicotine....which one did you go with if you don't mind me asking?

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Hi Lexie,

You can get nicotine free ecigs at

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