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Question, help?!

Hi ! I just started quitting with hubby on Tues. it's been very very hard with a toddler in the house and a mis behaving puppy who's rotten! I work at home which is wonderful, but it leaves time to smoke. I am having such a hard time with this. I've been smoke free for 3 days but it's driving me nuts. We went cold turkey and now we are thinking this wasn't the be route to take. But to start over now seems stupid. I didn't find this program until AFTER we had decided to quit. Now I wish we would have found it earlier so we could have done this a better, more educated way. I'm just wondering if we should start over and do this the "right" way or if it's the cravings talking, just buying us more time to smoke. I don't know. To some degree I think that, logically we should start over so we have a better chance of success, but then I feel like we're giving up when we've had 3 smoke free days. It's very hard to decide on the right thing to do. I know the right thing is to not smoke at all, but I just feel like doing this the cold turkey way isn't going to work and we're both going to fall off the wagon in a big way and then never try again. I just feel like we should start over and wean off using this program. Or is the cravings talking? Any suggestions from anyone?
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4 Replies

yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking, hubby feels differently. He is thinking that in the long run it might be more successful. I dont' know . His wil power is a lot less than mine (and that's saying something, mine isn't very good) I think it partially is just his cravings talking and he doesn't realize it. I dont' know. On one hand I see his point, but then logically I think, I've done this for 3 days already, why start over now? Please tell me after today it will get easier!! I haven't had cravings this bad until today. I think b/c it's Friday and it's a long weekend and my child is waking up from his nap that I just feel like I need a little time to do something for me. And as horrible as smoking is, it was my release from stress and a piece of freedom. Now I have no freedom or outlet. I guess to some degree too, I'm afraid this nice long holiday weekend will end up horrible b/c hubby and I both will be bears!
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Hey Kimoe,

I understand where you are and I can see a brighter future if you are willing to work at it.

I have some groups here that can help some people if they really want to make this a different quit . A quit that can last for a long time. Here are the links to see if my this type of support can be helpful to you and the husband. I really would like to see you both pledging daily that you want a smoke free day. It helped me and I have a multiple year quit now.

Daily Pledge - Quit Party Central - Relapse Traps
Game Room Quit Reasons - Thanks and Praise
Tough Luv - Words of Wisdom - Find a Quit Buddy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Reading -
For a Free Quit Keeper -

YOU CAN DO IT ... we can help .....just ask !
5.4 Million die due to smoking related causes every year.
That's 2000 times a 9/11
Ray Steele
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Thank you. Everyone is right, I know that logically. I decided to scare myself out of it by going to I'll tell you, that place can scare you so bad your craving ends immediately. Now I'm terrified that even though I have quit it won't matter and I'll develop cancer and die anyway. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go there?
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Hi, kimoe. Welcome to the site. I love it here and have found lots of support, advice, and distraction. My best advice....starting over would be foolish. I have read that the nicotine is actually out of your system in 3 days so you are almost nicotine-free. The cravings that follow will be mental, not physical. I'd love to see you tough it out as you've already come so far. Just because you haven't followed this program from the start doesn't mean it won't be a wonderful adjunct to your quit. If you can get through the rest of today maybe tomorrow you can motivate yourself by knowing it's all mental, and mental is doable (doesn't mean it's easy...but that's what we're here for.). Psychological cravings are every bit as real as the physical stuff but just more nicotine is in your body as of the end of today! That's fantastic!!!
I hope you'll hang in there. Hug your hubby and baby, then dive under the covers if you need to. You're doing it!
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