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Changed my quit date

Hi all,
I had a quit date of last week, and have now re-set, after a set back, today--it's been 6 hours now, and I'm doing better than I thought!! Any words of encouragement for when the stress of work comes tomorrow, though??
Oh--and anyone need a quit buddy, cuz I do!!
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12 Replies

I'm on here all the time. The whole seperation thing is going to save my life. And I'm sure it can change yours too! Hit me up anytime!

I have been quit for 3 Days, 21 hours, 26 minutes and 13 seconds (3 days). I have saved $13.62 by not smoking 77 cigarettes. I have saved 6 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/19/2008 1:33 AM
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Thanks!! I'll remember to keep the separation piece in mind--and lemme add you as a friend, so I don't lose track of ya, since you've been really successful!!
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Congratulations Justin! Do you have any plans for the money you save -- to reward yourself? Today is day one for me. I will be all jumping around happy by day 3 and 21 hours.
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Good luck, Kim, this is my first day, too!! We can do it!! Let's stay in touch with each other!
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Thanks for the response. I was hoping to find someone on the same quit day as me!! How are you doing so far?
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Hey there, I'm doing okay, how about you? Tired from withdrawal I think, but after I stay in touch with everyone when I get off work, I'll crash. Your timing was excellent, since I just ate lunch and food is a trigger. But I'm rockin' it with the Commits, and it's going okay!! I plan to use the money to buy a school ring for my master's--worked hard for that! How about you, any plans? And is the date significant? Not for me, but I just wanted to start!
Well, hang in there, and we'll stay in touch today--my internet @ work is slow, so if I don't respond till this evening, that's why.
Talk to ya soon!! We're doing great!!
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Your time is very good. I just went to lunch and am about to die. It's almost like my stomache actually hurts. No significance in the date for me either, I just thought that if I started on a Friday before a three day weekend it would lessen the blow of getting through the first 4 days and only having to be at work for one of them. If I am successful, I plan to treat myself to an ipod and all the works that go with it. Congrats on the masters. Question -- do you occasionally feel dizzy yet today?
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Absolutely, I've been dizzy--just walked into the wall, even!! I think the trick is to get up slowly--because our blood pressure is dropping now (mine was low to begin with pre tobacco.) That's why I picked this date, too!!! An ipod sounds nice, too--I'm gonna join a gym this weekend, I hope.
And not IF you are successful, WHEN. 🙂 You can do this! You're not alone, someone else gets it! 🙂 That's what's been helping me get through today. Just one craving at a time, girly! We can!
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Thanks for the tip about the dizziness also. I have been wondering why I felt this way. Are you using any type of medication or aid? Joining a gym sounds like a good idea and it probably wouldn't hurt me either. Honestly though, the only thing I can think about doing right now is sleeping. I just want to go sleep through this.
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