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Give and get support around quitting


Question for those who have already quit.

I haven't quit yet and have set October 15th for my quit date. I hate that I am already
panicking and the date is not even that close. My question is do you ever stop craving
the nicotine after you quit or is it different with everyone? Thanks ahead of time for your input.
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12 Respuestas

I think it's different for everyone. But remember....

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Thanks, this will come in handy when I do quit. I will remember to just hang in there for 3-5 minutes.
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The craves for me become less intense as time goes by it is more like a passing thought most of the time.I am at a little over
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Hello Janet! When I quit, the first week was tough. Even with using the lozenges, there was no getting around the fact that it was tough. But I'm so glad I stuck to it. Each person's quit is different, but there are alot of similarities like feeling wrestless and changing your lifestyle to being a non-smoker. I would suggest that you set your quit date alot sooner. You're settting yourself up for more anxiety setting it that far ahead. Don't let your addiction con you into not quitting. Quitting is scary no matter how you do it. But it is well worth it. Quit before you change your mind. This is an addiction that tells us we don't have one. We'll be here to support you.
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I don't really crave cigarettes too much anymore..sometimes I will get hit with the thought of smoking but then I just push it away because I just never want to have to quit again...if I never smoke I won't have to....Good luck to can do this...
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The craving has gone down substantially for me and I'm only 9 days in. It's nothing like the first few days. Just make up your mind you won't give in and don't let yourself ever get a hold of the option you can light up if it's too hard. You can't and you won't! Let go of it and try to re-program as many habits as you can. Take walks, rest up, do anything that will distract you. It is possible!
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I quit 17 days ago and on the 14th day I haven't had any cravings. I will help you anytime you need it. It's really not as hard as you think. Think of how much longer you will live and how much money you will save.
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Janet, congradulations on the decision to quit, an educated quit is the best thing,
Yes the crave will end eventually, however I killed a long term pause (2 yr 8 mo) a few years ago because I did not know the law of addiction and chose to smoke 1, within two weeks I was back to my old consumption level. I have since educated myself as to the nature of nicotine addiction and am currently celebrating one year today nicotine free.
I a attaching a couple items for you to read, they can make explainations I can't, and is a start on the education aspect.
Best Of Luck,
RJ ...Free at Last, healing 365 days saving 50 days of life, $3344.62, not inhailing death by choice 14,642 times by simply choosing to never take another puff, not one puff ever.
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The body actually stops craving nicotine pretty quickly, it's the brain that wants to keep feeding it.

That's what you have to work on.

I used Allen Carr's book. That is all I needed.

Congrats to you on wanting to quit and improve your life!!! 🙂
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