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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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Your family needs to back off. You are right, this IS your quit and even if you quit under pressure, it's still better that you quit for you. My suggestion is to agree with them. Give them the power and it ultimately gives you the power and will get them off your back. Then politely tell them to back off. I hope this helps.
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This is so complicated but I am staying with it. Thanks for all your help everyone. Moving stop date up one day early. In the big picture whats one day early, keeps the stress level down I hope
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Bill, I hope you decided what to do for yourself. It can be agonizing waiting for a quit to start. You'll know the moment that you're ready to put the cigs down. I hope you'll be able to walk away from them and never look back.
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Thank you for the invitation to join this group, what an awesome much of quitting is mental and staying positive and beleiving in yourself! For several weeks and even months I told myself every day..yes I I say "Yes I Did"
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hi my quit date is a week and a half i am really looking forward to it.I smoke three packs a day now.a couple of months ago i tried to quit by this one program i heard about go to lights cut back then go to ultra lights Wrong now i smoke three packs a day instead of the 2 packs from before.I have tried to quit a couple of times cold turkey no help.This time the ashtrays go i told my husband he has to smoke outside he wants to do it ain't they great he wants to quit smoking with me.So now i got to get him to call so he can get this support groups too.I really really really want to quit and this program i hope really helps me.
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Hi Rose, I found the 1st step to quitting( I smoked for 40+ years)was, making up my mind to quit. It was getting real about what smoking has done for me over the years( it's like living with an abusive spouce)--once YOU decide enough is enough, it will be easy, not hard/
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NOW, I am back in the saddle!!! Yipppeeee....... Missed everyone through my own avoidance tactics.. Got really really sick and am feeling so fortunate and grateful that I got sick and quit instead of remaining in relapse for years!!!!! Love your new group Edith. Thanks....
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Louise! I'm so glad you're back!
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Today is Day 5 for me and things are getting better. If someone had asked me six months ago if I would be able to quit smoking, I probably would have told them "NO", but I'm doing it, for real. Thanks to everybody here for their support!
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You bet you can do it,. Sheryl! Soon it will be 5 weeks, then 5 months---But, take 1 day at a time--just today, just this minute--it will happen.
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