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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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Ultimately, the big question is: what do cigarettes exactly do to make any difference in our day? Weed, heroine, alcohol...they do something to you, they make a difference. What about nicotine? We basically smoke because some CEO tricked us into adopting him and his mistress...that's really it.....
  So, I guess a good portion of the battle is reprogramming to know that actually, soking simply makes no sense and that cravings are ultimately a product of our minds, not our bodies. Maybe keeping this in mind can help. 🙂
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Hi everone

  I have not had a cig for 18 months. Can I answer any questions?
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All of you who are quitting are doing one of the BRAVEST things you will ever do. I never thought I could ever quit. I did and I don't think of them at all any more. YOU CAN DO THIS.
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Hi Edith and All,
  thanks for the invite. Question? if you slip and smoke, do you have to start over
  counting your quit? I'm on day 5 of my second quit. why is it so easy to relapse
  and so hard to stop again!? this addiction really sucks. every day I say
  YES I CAN !!
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I don't know how it works for everybody, but it took me 6 years of trials and failures to find the recipe that worked for me. It was not (and still it is not) a one method one time thing. it's a compilation of techniques, tricks and trainings. Really, the point is that the addiction is something you make happen. It doesn't really exist. It is like the matrix...your mind makes it real. Once this fully clicks, resisting the temptation to smoke will be as easy as resisting any other temptation like eating something you shouldn't or buying something you don't really need. It takes the back bone on an old snail to succeed at resisting such temptations....once it clicks.... and if you happen to slip (and I did on day 2 and 3...abundantly) you just ignore it and keep going as if it never happened. You giveth the power to cigarettes, you taketh it away. HaHa! One thing tat helped me. Maybe it's graphic, maybe it doesn't fit your sensitivity...but I find it very helpful. Every time I beat a craving I'm flipping off the system that gives so much power to murderous tobacco companies. The hell with them. You don't got me no more. Ha!Ha!
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Thank You for the invite still trying to quit....I think I'm like Pavlovs dog.. I do a project around the house and reward myself with a smoke break......this has to cease...i will keep looking and pick a new quit date....
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Hi Edith! Thanks for inviting me to join! I hope you are right! I want to believe " Yes I Can " , but have to be honest - I'm nervous!!! My quit date is the 20th - Great American Smokeout! Only 10 more days!!!!! I think I'm ready! But with your support and everyone else here ... YES I CAN!!!!! Thanks agin!
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Okay, here I am. I am raising my hand and calling "Present!" Lord help me, I am scared as tomorrow is my QUIT DATE. Pray for me because I need it, as do we all.
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Hey everyone I noticed in the Sunday paper an ad to try Commit lozenges for free - a starter kit! It's for their cappuchino flavor only - go to ! Good luck everyone!
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