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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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2,921 Respuestas

Way to go Corina!! Things can only go up for you! Good luck!

  Happy smokefree Sunday everyone!
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Corina - What a great job you've done. You know what? All that stuff STILL would have happened if you were you would still be smoking. Smoking or not smoking doesn't change life's events, though it changes how we deal with them.

  If you still have some of the extra money you've saved by NOT buying smokes, spend some on yourself. What you do to reward yourself is personal. Me? I'd buy yarn and knit something so that probably won't help you. LOL! If you love doing something, treat yourself with whatever it is - a movie, jewelry, day at a spa, a massage, whatever it is. You certainly deserve it so do something for yourself.

  Hang in there because chances are REAL good this next 30 days will be easier.
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oooooooooo, Chris, that sounds great! I love to crochet! I've made so many blankets, I've lost count. It's so relaxing and it gives me something to do with my hands!
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Thank you Chris, Sue and Michele! 2009 may not seem so great to me right now but you know, this may be the best year yet. Because of all the pressures and stress, it's forcing me to look at my life differently. So, I've decided to make 2009 a year of positive changes. So far, I've quit smoking, gained job security by additional education, have lost 10 lbs, pay off all my credit card debt by June, and go skydiving on my 47th birthday in July. I think that's all the reward I need. So what if I'm single, I think I'll plan an Alaskan cruise for either May or September.

  Edith and Chris, I so admire you for your patience with knitting/crocheting. I have never even completed a scarf! LOL I'm a HUGE reader though. Even with my schedule I read on an average two books a week. A friend gave me a 1000 piece puzzle that is very pretty. I think I'll set that up on my dining room table and let that catch the moments that I don't know what to do my hands or myself in general. (Something other than work related 🙂

  Take care everyone.......... thank you so much for your kind words and support!
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I would love to have a place to leave a jigsaw puzzle out. Talk about a great way to keep busy during the moments when our brains are saying it's time for a smoke break. 🙂

  I'm kind of glad the weekend is winding down. It's been more of a struggle the past couple of days because of being home all day with lots of time to fill. Going back to work tomorrow will be a good thing for me. On the other hand, I got a sock knitted and am partway done with it's mate.

  Sleep well all......
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I am a HUGE reader as well. There is nothing like a really good book to lose yourself in. The jigsaw puzzle sounds like a great idea as well. I wish I had some place to try that as well. Well, good night all be back tomorrow.
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Good Morning everyone!! Have a great non-smoking day.
  WHOOOO HOOOOO starting day 6 today, almost done with "hell week"!!!!
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Great Job Sue!!
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Good Morning Everyone!!! Gosh there are so many new people, guess I need to come around more often. I've been sick and have missed a few days. Welcome to everyone that is new. Congrats on taking control of your life and deciding to quit. You can do this! This is a great website and everyone on here is so supportive. I'm on day 39 and I have to say that this quit feels great and I think that because of the friends I have found on this website. Hang on tight to your quit and don't look back.
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Good morning everyone! I am off to work out on my new Wii Fit! I have been to sick and busy the last week to use it so I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited. And what a bonus of being sick, I have already lost 5 of the pounds that I packed on in the first 2 weeks of my quit...I do not recommend losing it that way, but hey, if I am going to be sick, at least I can lose some weight too:)
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