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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
Etiquetas (1)
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2,921 Respuestas

A big welcome to Kenneth, who just joined our group!
  Feel free to bring up topics you want to talk about, or just let us know how your quit is going!
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thank you Edith
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A big welcome to Trudi and Jeannie!
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I screwed up and this is my main group here. I walked up to a neighbors house and asked for a smoke in this moment of insanity. I do not know why or what prompted me to do that. I wanted relief and thought that was the answer but instead? I sit here suffereing thru withdrawals yet again. I am so glad I did not go buy them and relapse into complete smoking and nipped this now. I am suffereing the consequences of this insideous addiction.

  I really could use any encouragement to not feel so low. I just picked myself up and cleaned up after that one cigg and kept going as normal. But secrets will hurt me. I needed to share with those who understand. This is the longest and best I have ever done with smoking. I just need to not even go near one, ever!!!! I need this drilled into my very thick skull. NEVER NEVER!!!!!!!!
  I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi Kenneth, glad you are here, it is unbelieveable to me here, there are so many people quitting smoking. It is awesome, I am working on 2 years, in May it will 2 years. I know I couldn't have done it without all the help I get from the great people on here. Just spend as much time as it on this website. Keep in touch, glad you are here.
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Hey All Happy Thanksgivings to all and good luck on the qiutting game
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Hi! Well, it's almost been a week! A rough one! I have a cold again! It's in a way good though, I have NO desire to smoke. Edith, how are you? Thanks for starting this group.
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Hell yeah we can!!!!!!! 1 month and a half and counting!!!! And without smoking I have the stamina to add two more hours a week to devote to working off the potential extra weight. So, it has been a long war, but in the end, the Man: 0 me : 1
  one more time!!!!eh!eh!eh!
  And, by the way, Hail to Edith!!!!
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Cute little kitty shanjake31!!!!
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