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Give and get support around quitting


Plan Prepare Practice to Protect.

Since there are so many newbies, this is a recap of an earlier blog posted November 2016.  First, if I haven’t personally welcomed you, WELCOME.   If you need help I am here for you.   It is good to see that you are forging friendships and creating bonds among us, towing the line together so to speak.  This “quit thing” is so much easier together than alone.  You are EXcited and motivated. You will have to keep that motivation. Just remember quitting is a journey, not a race or a marathon.   It does not end BUT is the beginning of something so wonderful and more powerful than words can not EXpress or can imagine at an early stage of your journey. There is no finish line. This quit thing is a “new life” that gets better.  So be like the turtle,

Image result for turtle

pacing yourself one day at a time, being persistent, determined to persevere, no matter what NOPE. Not one puff ever.   Staying smoke free is the prize.  So keep your eye on the prize and don’t be tricked by that little guy on the shoulder telling you that "just one" is okay.  One puff will do you IN and END a perfect quit quickly.  It is easier to quit than to stay quit so it is very important to learn how to protect it.   I don’t want to burst your bubble like mine was when I was told by an elder,  it is great to be confident but don’t become complacent and think that you are not vulnerable.   In order to stay smoke free you have to Plan Prepare Practice to Protect. Relearn what to do when you have to deal with feelings of Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, or just being Tired. Know these simple feelings can be confused with triggers. "HALT" So Plan Prepare Practice to Protect.  Learn techniques to relieve stress.  Read Study Relearn.  

Education is the key to a successful quit.

Stay EXcited about your quit but be like the turtle keep a steady pace moving forward one step at a time.  Slowly but surely you will have success. Hang tough, stay close don’t give up Plan Prepare Practice to Protect.

A little extra reading material for the baby turtles to help Plan Prepare Practice to Protect.

I am a nonsmoker with 925 DOF it is doable. 


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5 Respuestas

Good advise - as always!


Thanks Jackie, EXcellent post and a super duper congratulations on your awesome 925 splendiforous DOF.....

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Such great information - thanks Jackie! And - you are so right - EDUCATION is the key! 

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Thank you Jackie. I have 20 days smoke free. Your words and support are such an inspiration.  I am keeping my tool kit close and checking in here daily. I am taking in all the advice and educating myself. Thank you for all you do, helping us newbies. I tried quitting several times before but did not have the information that has been provided to me like I do here. Nor did I have such unconditional support. It has truly saved me. It has helped me set me free! 

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Hope you don't mind if I bookmark this and credit you but use it if I see a newbie who needs it when you are not around?  I have been sharing JonesCarpeDiem‌'s, YoungAtHeart‌'s and YOURS when I come across a newbie who needs to read these things.  

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