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Pet Peeves?

What Annoys You Most That Is Out Of Your Control?


      It Infuriates Me They Think They Have A Right To Interrupt Someone's,


      It's Even Worse Now Since They Now Have Ways To Fake Phone Numbers So They Can't Be Traced And Reported.

18 Respuestas

When a person leaves their grocery cart on one side of the aisle and stands on the other half. 


That drives me banana balls!

I go when the stores open. No people or carts in the way.  🙂


Get yourself a nice loud WHISTLE.  My mother used to blast it into the receiver when she'd get unwanted calls.  Or better yet get a portable air horn.

3 things you need to know about the Do Not Call Registry | One Page | 

What drives me crazy are people who get right up on your tail when you're going 70 mph on the freeway.  So dangerous and stupid.  And then when you move over they'll flip you the bird anyway.  

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My hubby had a similar experience last week.  He was on the street that his workplace is on.  The speed limit is 35 on that road as it is on a 2 lane road that sits well behind the main drag of the city and is pretty much populated by manufacturers, warehouses, and construction companies. He was doing at least 40 mph.  He was dogged with a tailgater that was so close he couldn't see any of the car, just the windshield at best.  I guess the driver of the other car started flipping him off and he could see the guy screaming at him in his rearview mirror.  The guy then decides to fly around him illegally in the sign posted no passing zone going about 60 mph.  The other driver was screaming at him and flipping him off the whole way around.  When they got to the stop light of the main drag it was red.  The other car was turning left and my husband was going straight. No surprise that they were side by side at the light.   And yep, the road raged driver was STILL flipping him off and screaming.  My husband rolled down the window to tell the driver that he was sorry and hadn't meant to block him but he WAS driving 40-45 mph down the whole street.  Still flipping off my husband the guy GETS OUT OF HIS CAR, goes to my husband's driver side window and proceeds to scream at him "FU you ugly redneck MF!" goes back to his car and turns left on the RED light! 

A few notes on this occurrence; my husband works in a city over 45 miles away in a very high gun related crime rate area, he's about as redneck as nothing being an immigrant from England and raised from the time he was 12 in upstate NY a few miles from Lake Ontario, he's a former Marine and ex-National Guardsman and he was driving MY red Toyota Camry which is about the least redneck you can get!  At least he kept his mouth shut because when the guy was going back to his car my husband starting laughing.  All he could think was the old childish taunt of "your ugly and your mother dresses you funny".  The icing on the cake was that hubby was testing out the front/rear dash cam I gave him for Christmas.  He was driving my car because the truck was in the shop so he removed it from the truck and decided to test it out in the Camry!! 

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I hope that means he has a nice clean video to give to the cops with the jerk make an illegal left turn on red!  There are a lot of berserk bassholes out there.

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Lucky your hubby came out of that OK.  The guy sounds a little short of a full deck - and those kind are usually ARMED!




Media & Politics. 


Yes they are, especially in that area.  That was the one time my husband wished he was armed but of course he's not allowed to bring guns to onto the property even in a locked case in a locked car.  

When we had that 'big' snow last week he was driving to work and had just gotten off the expressway and onto the surface streets.  After a couple of turns he was pulled over by the police who said he was not maintaining his lane.  Ok first, it's still snowing and the road is icy so the only visible part of the road is the tire tracks from other traffic.  He was driving his truck very slowly and in 4WD and did not skid or anything.  The officer gave him a nice little warning and let him go.  We both watched the footage from the dash cam when he got home and he never veered out of the 'tire track' lane he was in!  Both the front facing footage and rear footage show that he maintained his lane at all times.  

When he first mentioned getting a dash cam last year I blew it off and told him not to waste the money even though his route to work is an absolute nightmare with a ton of accidents weekly.  I'm glad I bought it for him now!  

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