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Persistent insomnia through day 111

I am on day 111 (YAY!!) and overall feeling a lot better about my quit. Cravings are a lot more manageable and I am really proud to have made it this far. I smoked for a very long time (30 years, half to one pack a day).

However, the ongoing insomnia is driving me absolutely nuts. On a good night, I am sleeping 5 hours. Many nights I get 1-2 hours of very restless sleep. I have tried anything and everything (baths, bedtime routine, no screen time) and I take a sleep aid (melatonin, Unisom, etc.) every night to just be able to get to sleep.  It's so strange to me that some nights they seem to have no effect at all. Like the lack of dopamine in my brain chews them up? 

Anyway- did anyone else have chronic insomnia this far into the quit? Did it get better?

I know I smoked for a long time and it will take some time to normalize, but this seems extreme. My dr keeps telling me to ride it out, but I am at my wits end. I have a demanding job and a kiddo that needs me to be awake and coherent. Help! 

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Community Manager

Congratulations on 111 days @Neese0808. If you still have trouble sleeping, after trying natural remedies, I would definitely go back to your physician. Sleep is very important!

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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@Neese0808 Don't know if I can be of much help.  I don't sleep that great and it's been 6 years since I quit.   I doubt it has anything to do with smoking. It sounds like you've tried most everything you're supposed to do for insomnia. I don't see anything about exercise?  That's also supposed to  reduce insomnia.

I'm reading some articles based on your question.  

"3  months – According to research, your dopamine levels will return to normal3 at this point, and the reward part of your brain no longer requires nicotine."

"For some individuals, the 3-month mark after quitting smoking can still present challenges as the body continues to adjust. During this time, your body is still actively healing, detoxifying, repairing your lungs, and enhancing circulation.Jan 8, 2024"

So hopefully this will run it's course since your around this 3 month point.  Again, talk to your doctor again if things don't improve.

My quit was more emotional than physical withdrawal.  It took me a long time to feel better. It can make it harder to keep your quit, so hang in there.   

Glad you reached out.   If you need more support reach out again.

And super congrats on 111 days of success.  That's a fabulous achievement to be proud about.


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Thanks for the replies! Yes, I have tried to stay really active to basically wear myself out. LOL. I get at least 10k steps a day and do workouts at least 5 days a week. 

I can usually get to sleep with the help of sleep aids) but I am waking up at 1:30 am or 3 am every night. So frustrating! 

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@Neese0808 I've exhausted my ideas.  Sure sounds like you should be pretty worn out from exercising.     I totally understand.  I'll think of you as I am awake with you at those times .  I hope this resolves itself for you soon.  Whatever you do, don't smoke over it.




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Peak relatability--through about 40 days, I couldn't manage more than 45 minutes a night. I didn't sleep much before, but that's a big deficit even for me. What I ended up doing was actually taking a 'sleep vacation'--I took a week off work and got friends and family to help with household responsibilities, and for a week all I did was sleep whenever I got tired (which for the first 72 hours was 'never' lol). But that did work--by day four I crashed hard, reset, and since then I can sleep about four hours a night (which is 'normal' for me) unless my stress is sky-high. 

I commend you for quitting, and I also commend you for being so resourceful and intent to address this insomnia issue--I hope that your determination and fortitude are rewarded soon!


Thanks, Cimmerians! A sleep vacation sounds so lovely 😃 This is such a frustrating experience. I hope you get some sleep soon too, and a huge congrats on your quit!!

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@Neese0808 Having insomnia early on is very normal.  I'm not so sure  why you're experiencing it still at this point of your quit.  Hope it resolves.


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I've been quit for 5 1/2 years and still battle insomnia too. Talk to your doctor to see if they can lower the dose of a different medication (if you are on anything regularly/daily) or maybe give you a light sedative. In the meantime there's always herbal medicines (for you, not the birdies).  Prayers and Love to you!

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