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PLEASE tell me why?? 106 Days

Someone please tell me why after 106 days of not smoking the past 2 days the cravings have come back with a vengeance.  I am having physical issues and have had to get 2 injections in my hip the past few weeks but that is the only difference.  Was camping the past weekend and the craving almost sent me to the store but I fought it.  I feel like I am going 2 steps forward and 3 steps back 

23 Respuestas

You are EXACTLY where you need to be on this journey.  Don't despair - what you are experiencing is perfectly normal and it WILL end  - I promise!  Here's more about what's going on:  :

Just hang in a bit longer - you are almost THERE!


I'm sorry to hear you're still having such a hard time.  It does seem that some folks have a harder time physically/emotionally.  Stay strong-you've come to far to go back now.  Can't give you an exact amount of time, but it will get better.  Continue to stay close.  





Don't you just hate that!  Yuck about cravings.  Any ideas what triggered them?  This is a process.  It will get better. The only way out is through.

You did good to post.


I do appreciate this site and the caring people on it. I can’t figure out what is triggering it the past few days.  Don’t get me wrong I have had some relief but the past few days WOW.  Will this really stop after no mans land and how much longer is that?


Sorry - but there is no hard and fast rule about the end of No Mans Land.  A rule of thumb is that it MIGHT get better after 120 days - but just as everybody is different, so is every timetable.  You don't have to worry about finding the trigger  - unless it's obvious - because oftentimes there isn't one.  My WORST day was around 108 and it seemed like the crave was never ending.

Take heart, though - use the tools you found useful earlier in your quit, and be conscientious about using them again, and you will get through this will flying colors.

Hang tough!!!  I did - and I am 7+ years free!!!!!!


Hi Pookweenecess.

I found taking breaks help.  Have you tried Allen Carr's book, The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.  It greatly calmed me down.

I used to carry a water bottle with me everywhere.  It will get better. You did great to post.

I am from a site which is closing called Quitnet.  This is from there and may help you.:

 When Does it Get Easier? REPOST
From: Lady__Belle650 on

I keep seeing folks asking WHEN will thus and such symptom of quitting be over. WHEN will I feel better? WHEN will I stop craving a smoke? WHEN will I stop relapsing and get quit for good? When, when, when.....

OK, OK.... I'll let you in on the big secret.... (Gawd! I hope I don't get drummed out of the Lodge for telling!) Get over here! You don't expect me to say this out LOUD do you? Gimme your ear.... this has to be whispered... and don't you DARE tell another soul!!

Tuesday!!!!!!!!! It will ALL happen on Tuesday!


Feel better?

What? You wanna know WHICH Tuesday? (Sheesh do I have to tell you EVERYTHING???)

It will happen the Tuesday AFTER you stop feeling sorry for yourself about stopping smoking!

The minute that you really and truly believe that you have given yourself a GIFT by stopping smoking, AND that you deserve that gift, your quitlife gets better.

NO, the cravings don't go away, but you suddenly can see them as a temporary thing, kind of like gas, that will pass... sometimes with a bit of a stink just to remind you that it really is a process of elimination of the toxic thoughts of an addict. You may experience a twinge of a craving for decades.. so what? It is a FEELING... you don't have to ACT on it! (You don't act on every feeling that you'd like to strangle that so-and-so who cut you off in traffic do you?)

MUCH of how we experience our individual quit is a matter of our ATTITUDE!

How are you approaching your new day? Yes, it is YOUR day! Are you looking at it in a hopeful, positive light? Or are you grumbling and bemoaning the fact that it is another day of fighting the punishment of quitting? If your day is one of a negative attitude, a day of grumbling and grousing about what is happening as if you are a victim of your life, you can stop the negativity and begin your day over.. go ahead... do it. You can as easily choose to see the light as the dark. You can choose to see the small discomforts as growing pains or death throes. You can whine and moan about your martyrdom, or celebrate your freedom.


It will get better Pookweecness, Time passes pass it being quit.



All I wanted was information- I am not whining or feeling sorry for myself - I am just trying to understand.  Your words feel negative to me.  All I am trying to do is learn why something is happening, address it and move on to the next thing.  If I really missed smoking and wanted to be smoking I would!!  These cravings are wearing me out and I am tired of it,  your post is condescending


The post was truly not meant to be condescending.  You stated that your cravings came back with a vengeance. My intent was not to make you feel worse, but to lessen your pain with a little humor.  My mistake.  I have seen that post help many, for many years. What works for some does not work for all.  Not my intent at all to be condescending.  You are in the trenches and this is a process.    I hope you feel better.