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Give and get support around quitting



I'm on day 2 of this journey and I have just one question for now.  I absolutely love being outside. Me and my family are very outdoorsy people.  We camp, kayak/canoe, hike, play in the water, ect.  So here is what the problem is.  I associate outside with smoking.  I've never smoked indoors so all my smoking has been outside.  Now I feel like I cant go outside.  I haven't been outside the last two days other than to work and back. That's driving me crazy!!!  How can I be outside and not be driven crazy wanting a smoke?

11 Respuestas

I'm only on Day 2 myself but have found small changes go a long way.  I drove a different way to work this morning since driving is a major crave for me.  I have kept a pen, lollipop, or something in my hand to play with.  Anything that replaces the habit whether its holding in your hands or hanging out of your mouth helps.  If you usually are in the front yard, go in the back,  etc.  I hope some of this might help.


Thanks for sharing and please know this is MY experience strength and hope - I am talking about ME and what I was offered by others here who are living NICOTINE FREE - they made SUGGESTIONS TO ME 8 YEARS AGO and they still work - TODAY 2019 - when I encourage MYSELF- I say out loud to MYSELF -  to - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - please practice practice practice throughout YOUR DAY - Speak to yourself and be YOUR OWN encourager- no one did it for ME- say -   I don't smoke anymore- OR say N.O.P.E. -  NotOnePuffEver- OR. - when the urge HITS - do jumping jacks OR run in place - FYI - the urge lasts 1 -2 minutes - OR suck on a lemon OR  take 3 deep breathes OR it SUGGESTED to ME - 8 YEARS ago - I had blogged that I wanted to smoke - this lady commented - I have stage 4 lung cancer - if you want to smoke put a plastic bag over your head and smoke - THAT'S WHAT STAGE 4 LUNG CANCER IS FOR ME - suffocating SLOWLY - I DID NOT SMOKE!!!! I didnt want stage 4 lung cancer - so YOUR CHOICE - live or die - its all on YOU - that's what was SUGGESTED to ME - and I been coming and HELPING others- ONE day at a time  - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you- YOU gotta WANT a NON SMOKER LIFE STYLE - just for YOU!  gentle hug- ❤


I love outdoors and camping. Did it for years with the horses. Kinda wish we would have done the Appellation Trail ( hiking, not with the horses), still may

Find outdoor things to keep you busy. Make some concrete leaves, plant flowers, gardening...landscape a new area.

Welcome to Ex!


Change up what you do and where you go.  You might try a new trail  - or start at the other end - go to a different spot in the water with a different view...and place your blanket so you are facing away from the water or to the side of the area.......get the idea?  Explore a new area in which to camp - or set up your gear facing a different direction.  If you always have a bonfire and make S'mores - find another sweet to enjoy...maybe cocoa warmed in a pot on the fire?

Do NOT stay indoors or it WILL make you crazy! 

Congrats on deciding to quit.  I'm glad you are here!



I agree that changing up your routine is very helpful in keeping the craves away.  But I also noticed that the triggers I couldn't change (like driving to work) were the first to go away.  It's like the more practice I got at not smoking during those triggers, the faster they disappeared.  Definitely try to change anything you can in your typical outdoor activities though if possible.


Give it time. The association thing is a pain in the butt but it does get broken. You've got your reasons for quitting so don't let a few disruptions get you down. Stick with Ex. Keep reaching out. You will get back to your outdoors and maybe sooner than you think. 


I think you received good advice above me...I must tell you when you make the commitment to quit and prepare ... one of things is knowing you must avoid some people and places for a while....but not learn to do other things during that time...I had to avoid bars, out with my bestie Mary, etc., it is no longer a problem...but I wanted this quit and had to find other things to may have to do this and in time it will change...Gotcha in my Thoughts and I hope something here will work for you...~ Colleen 218 DOF 


YOu have great advice above.  All I can add is welcome to day 2 of becoming free.  ONe day ata time, and NOPE will take you to freedom.


Spend all the time in the water.  You can't smoke when you're wet.  Do you smoke and kayak at the same time?  I can see doing it with a canoe, but a kayak? Don't you need both hands?   How 'bout paddle boarding?  Do you do that too?  Why not take it up if not.  Pretty hard to smoke and learn that at the same time.