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Give and get support around quitting


Out of cigs and not 100% ready....

Help!  I smoked my last cigarette today and I don't really feel 100% ready to quit. I do have my quit date of 9/11. I really don't want to spend another $7.50 either..... UGH!!! Think I am just going to go for it and try to quit early.  What can it hurt?!?! Just don't want to relapse and freaking out about having panic attacks. Will read MANY articles on here no doubt and up for ANY suggestions!  

Thanks friends!

29 Replies

Wow.  this is pretty exciting! You will be SOOOOOO happy.

0 Kudos

get on getting on, why put it off? We are here,.....come on...its better on our side  Race ya....


I don't think anybody is really ready...but you can be really prepared!

Stay on this site..and succeed!



You CAN do this...remember that it is a journey and it absolutely is an addiction.  We are all here to help you and we want you to be successful.



It's something like diving into cold water...better to just dive right in! But then need to keep on swimming. You don't have to be 100% ready....but you do need to be 100% committed to not smoking. Each day....wake up and tell yourself...tody I am not going to smoke--no matter what happens. Read,read,read the articles that the others have suggested. They are so helpful. Come here as often as you can. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Stay Strong.

I can't even begin to describe the anxiety I had before quitting.  I thought about it for almost 2 years before I finally said enough already.  I can barely breathe going up steps.  I wheeze when I sleep in between the coughing fits.  Mylanta, I'm spending over $250 a month.  We all did the twirl in the beginning, the stepping off the diving board.  I too said, I can't do it right now, I have too much going on.  And yes, you might be a total witch for a week or so or maybe even longer, but it doesn't stick with you.  It subsides.  I made an announcement to my family that hey, if you really want me to be successful at this, I need you to work with me here.  I need some help here.  And trust me, that was probably the hardest thing for me to do, because I never ask for help.  Go through the steps in the beginning and get your game plan together.  Being prepared is the biggest hurdle.  Identify your triggers before you quit and fill out that section on what I plan to do to separate for each of your triggers.  choose something different for each one.  I had quite a list because the world in general was my trigger or at least I thought so.  Now, I realize that's not true because I've developed ways of coping with the world and that which revolves around me.  That little white tube held absolutely no power.  I had all the power.


LOVE IT!! So true about the power!! I see others cope without cigarettes all the time and I want to be one of them and I will be!!!! 


Well, I did the exact same thing.  I ran out of those coffin nails a few days before my quit date, so I kept the money, reset my quit date to June 10th, and never looked back.  Check out the very first two new toys I bought with the money I saved in that same year of 2010.


I was even able to purchase the paddles to go with both kayaks too.



How is it going.  Haven't seen you around since 9/8

0 Kudos
Member IS it going?  You should be quit by now...right?

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