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Out of cigs and not 100% ready....

Help!  I smoked my last cigarette today and I don't really feel 100% ready to quit. I do have my quit date of 9/11. I really don't want to spend another $7.50 either..... UGH!!! Think I am just going to go for it and try to quit early.  What can it hurt?!?! Just don't want to relapse and freaking out about having panic attacks. Will read MANY articles on here no doubt and up for ANY suggestions!  

Thanks friends!

29 Replies

what a tick, are we married to the same man?  HA  mine says the same thing, it's all in your head.  he's one of those I'll have a cigarette once a year type of guys

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That's funny! How long have you been smoke free??

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Click on the name link it will take you to their page, then click follow. right side of name. 


For many, 100% ready would be a dream come true. When I quit, I said to myself, "I'm 51% for quitting, 49% against quitting and the 2% will have to be enough (it was)."  There are no active tobacco users who can look to a smoke free future and say that they see and feel it 100% and so are 100% inspired. Addiction is not that kind. But fortunately for you, there is a ton of support here and elsewhere, so ready or not, you can learn to let go of the cigs, let the addiction (which is no prize for anyone) fall into the past. 

Thanks for blogging and stating where you are at with the cigs and your quit. You are calling it...and that is a good thing. Yes you can!

Here are some more links that might be useful to you.

Quitting Cigarettes Journal 

Quit Smoking Success Stories - YouTube 


I know dang well in the beginning I was not 100% ready - but with each passing day that I did not smoke, my confidence grew.  And yours will too!  No better time than right now!


I agree, I wasn't 100% ready. And my confidence is growing with each day. I've reached 6 DOF days of freedom and counting.

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AWESOME!!! Day 6! You go! I am sucking on a nicotine mint as I am typing.

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This is the best choice that you can make for your body. Their is not a single benefit to you in smoking and its stealing years from you every day. What are you scared of that makes you want to continue smoking?


Honestly... I am scared of having a panic attack because my cigs helped relax me. I am also scared of being a "B" because everyone knows me as a very happy, bubbly person.  I know it is all about just retraining my brain/body. I see A LOT of happy people around me and they don't smoke. I am trying to stay positive!!!

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Oh my dear friend...that feeling that cigarettes "relax" you is nothing but your addiction talking, seriously.  You are happy and bubbly when the drug has just been introduced into your start to feel less like that as the drug wears off and it takes only about 20 minutes to drop.  There are ways to provide ourselves with that hit of dopamine without killing ourselves.  Smoking KILLS...and it is not a pleasant or peaceful way to go.  We are here for you and we will do anything we can to help.