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Give and get support around quitting


Only 6 Days

I've quit smoking now for 6 days. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I was a smoker for 17 years = (
at 1 pack a day .I always had an issue with quitting, which is why I never did it till now. My kids kept begging me, boyfriend, and it got hard at work.
I can say it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I'm actually extremely proud of myself. And to all you people out there who are struggling with quitting, BREATHE!!!! It will be such a reward if you can stick to quitting. It makes your life a bit easier = )

Good Luck To All
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4 Replies

Sounds like your quit is going strong. I'm on my fifth day, and physically it's tough but I want to make it to day 6. thanks for your post!
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I'm telling you it gets easier. I swear it does. I'm on day 17 and it's become a normal thing for me not to smoke. Believe me I was a monster when it came to smoking, and wanted to kick everyones ass when I didn't have one, but now I can honestly say I'm more happier now that I don't smoke anymore. It's Great!!!!
I hope you are still doing good. = )
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Six days is a BIG accomplishment! My first few days were hell and I didn't think I'd make my first day! But after the first 24 hours, I decided there was no turning back. But it was so HARD!! I promise you that it does get easier and there are so many benefits yet to come your way! You be PROUD of your time! I'm so proud of you!! I believe you're going to have a successful quit and this site needs your imput! I'm so glad you're here!
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You're doing awesome too Ryan! Part of quitting is physical, but most of it is mental. You can do this!
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