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On reading the classics....

Last year I made a commitment to read at least one classic each year. I say "classic", but that might not be exactly a correct description. I guess what I'm talking about are those books that always end up on someone's list of "books everyone should read during their lifetime"... you know the ones, right?
Last year I squeaked out 2....."To Kill A Mockingbird", which was kind of a cheat since I had read it in HS and loved it, and "Catcher In The Rye".
All the time I was reading "Catcher In The Rye" I kept thinking "I can't believe I'm reading this book"....I found it very uninteresting...but one thing kept me going. The mere fact that old "what's his name" that killed John Lennon said "Catcher In The Rye" told him to do it and that's what he was sitting there reading when the police came to the scene. Now I never found anything in the book that I would think led him in that direction, but if anyone else has read it and found something that I didn't find.....PLEASE, let me know!
"To Kill A Mockingbird" is a wonderful read. I don't think stories come any better than that one. And since Harper Lee was the lifetime friend of Truman Capote, that lead me to my next book. I had always seen Capote on Carson, but had never read any of his works. I REALLY didn't want to read "In Cold Blood", seen the movie, that was I read "Breakfast at Tiffany's". The critics were right....Capote was an awesome talent!!! (but I still don't think the movie ended like the book)
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I never realized that "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was a book - Loved the movie! I wish I could make myself read the "classics". It seems I always pick something with humor since life is so serious.
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That makes total sense to me. I'm not sure how many "humorous" books I've read, but I sure migrate to the humorous tv shows and movies for just that reason.
I have "Pride and Prejudice" here to read, but I'm thinkin' maybe not now. I want to read "Gone With The Wind"! It has long been my favorite movie and I read the sequel "Scarlett" at least once a year, even though it wasn't written by Margaret Mitchell you'd never know it.....SOOOOO! I think I'll just sit down and order "Gone With the Wind" for my next reading. I've got plenty of scrapbooking to get done while I"m waiting for it to get here.
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You know Beth, I think a classic for me will always be "Where the Red Fern Grows" by Wilson Rawls. No matter how old I am getting, every time I pick up that book, I cry my eyes out. 🙂

Another one I will always love is "Old Yeller" by Fred Gipson. It's another one that makes me cry.

But both are feel good books. They always make me feel good after reading them.
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Kelli I have the vhs tape of where the red fern grows i saw that when i was in school still soooooooooo good. I also have To Kill A Mocking Bird I read of Mice and Men that is very good.
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"Of Mice and Men", I thought of that one once before but completely forgot about it....that's a good one. I need to reread that one!
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Sandi, I had forgotten just how many good books John Steinbeck had written. I decided on "Grapes of Wrath" today instead of "Mice and Men", but I'll get around to that one next probably.
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Geez Kelli, I know both of those are good, but I just can't do them....for some strange reason I can't do ANYTHING sad dealing with animals, and I know because of the movies that those are both sad!!!!
I don't know....could be because I see animals as helpless and depending on us for their welfare, and blah, blah, blah.....ha, but that's another story and another website. ha
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Linda Mc Where the Red Fern Grows is a love story between a boy and his dogs . And the love of the dog and dog very good. The movie i cry my eyes out to this day.
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That one is based on a true story of the author's life I believe. But without spoilers, it is about a little boy that saved up money to buy a female and a male Redbone coonhounds. And of course he gets them both and the story goes from there. It was from what I call, back when times were hard, but they were good! 🙂
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