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On day 3 without nicotine, but gained 7lbs!

Hi ya'll!
I have a big grin on my face cause I made it through 72 hours without smoking or using nicotine! I feel amazing except for the fact that I have gained 7 lbs in the past 3 days! What's up with that! It feels like I'm majorly retaining water. My feet feel swollen. Any others experience this?
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7 Respuestas

I'm in the same boat. I was pounding water yesterday, but nothing was coming back out. With all that I drank, I fully expected to be in the restroom at LEAST every hour, but nothing. By the end of the day, I was feeling a bit on the heavier side, so I went for a long bike ride to maybe sweat it out. I feel much better. Also, hitting some coffee this morning hoping to move things along.
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Oh fooey, I also wanted to say congrats on the quit!!!!!
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I did not experience this but Ihave to ask if either of you are taking medication to assist with your quit or are munching on some high sodium extra salty snacks? It could be constipation, that happens within the first 2 weeks of a quit as well. it will subside once your body gets used to the nictoine withdrawal. I would also advise to only weigh yourself once a week, your weight fluctuates throughout the week, so you can only truly measure increase and decrease if you weigh yourself on the same day around the same time each week (sorry weight watchers goonie here).
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Personally, I am not taking any meds and typically don't eat salty snacks. Don't know if the water retention is related to the quit or not, but do know it showed up around the same time.
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I am also having that bloated, puffy feeling. I am on day 15 of my quit. Not sure if it is weight gain (haven't been on the scale yet) or water retention. I am taking meds. The way I look at it though, I can deal with taking off a few lbs. if needed in the future. It's so much better than missing all this new found freedom. Maybe there will be an online Ex program for losing weight 🙂
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Hi Mindy,

No I am not taking nicotine replacements, and I should be nicotine free now. It's been over 72 hours. I'm not snacking on anything salty either. I eat pretty much the same thing every day, oatmeal, salad, yogurt, nuts, potato and chicken or fish.

I weigh myself everyday when I first wake up after going to the bathroom. I've tried to do the once a week thing, but then I forget and I find I can catch myself if the scale keeps going up for more than a couple of days.

I am super bloated feeling! My feet feel like they are going to burst. And I feel not so regular if you know what I mean. I agree with Adam's post above that I'm going to try more coffee to stimulate myself. Maybe I'll try a mild diuretic too to relieve the water retention. This is really uncomfortable especially cause I am on my feet all night at work.

Thanks for the advice and encouragement.
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Hi Michael,

I work in nursing at a nursing home and we have many patients with COPD and emphysema. It's very hard to watch them struggle for a breath of air. Like a fish out of water. My father also had throat cancer from smoking. You'd think I would have learned sooner to quit. I agree that a little extra weight is nothing in comparrison to the horrible effects of continuing to smoke.

I hope your doing ok today and know that you are making a difference in many people's lives by speaking about your disease.

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