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Ohio Quitters

Hi Ohioans!
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Hello My name is eddie and I live in the Cincinnati area Today is day 14 or two weeks.

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Hi folks, I allways knew you had to have a quit date, so I set one a month ago for today. I failed... I think the reason I failed is because I failed to plan....I think failing to plan is the same as planning to fail...Wish me luck, I'm new at this. Thanks

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Having a quit day is a good start, But I prepared  months ago. I came here and did the steps that becomanex suggested. and I was able to quit. It will be easier to quit once you track your cigarettes, and where you smoke, and when, and why. Once I did those steps I still had to deal with the answers of where,when and why I smoked. and then the  F.E.A.R.  of what if I don't have a pack of smokes at bedtime or when I get up. My quit started in the month of December. and my quit date was March 2nd.  F.E.A.R.  FUTURE EVENTS APPEARING REAL! I hope this helped . P.S This addiction is 99.9% MENTAL and 1.1% PHYSICAL.

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Day 54 here.  I feel great, Eagerly awaiting my two month mark (well, more closely, my 8 week mark lol) Ive been lazy this week about going to the gym, so today is the day. Im sure ill be sore again. But its all worth it. Gotta try and repair what damage I did to my body from years of smoking. Stay with it, non smoking rocks!

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Today was a good day I forgot to put mthe patch on this morning, I realized that I was not wearing thne patch 10 minutes in to my drive to work. But I got through the day. I had no Urge to lighup. I said it last night , I think this addiction is 99.9% Mental and 1.1% Physical, But I have the patch on as I write ,

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DAY NINETEEN I'm feeling good.. I like getting up in the morning and not wanting a cigarette.  Once I got started on QUITTING I find it hard to stop, QUITTING by no means is easy, It just keeps getting better for me each day.

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For me the patch has helped a lot I have been smoke free 19 days today. I work hard at being smoke free. you have to work with the patch, I chew a lot of sugarless gum, I drink a lot of water, and I keep my mind focused on the benefits of not smoking.. You have to avoid triggers, even with the patch you still may want to smoke if you see a cigarette, That's the mental part of the craving, the patch just delivers a dose of nicotine in a set amount of Mgs. So I dealt with when I smoked, where I smoked, and why I smoked. Recognize all these factors which are your smoking BEHAVIORS, Then you will be able to put down the cigs and focus on QUITTING, For all these BEHAVIORS of smoking are purely MENTAL, The patch deals with the PHYSICAL cravings. Use the patch and GOOD LUCK.

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Just so you don't think you are talking to youself eddieg121  i will add this you are doing great .dump the patch and go naked (no nicotine)  you are ready 99% mental and you have that by the horns . 120 days for me N.O.P.E.

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DAY 20 LETS GET A PHYSICAL                                   Today I am doing well. I made another 24 hours without incident. I have been taking the time to reflect on my was a smoked filled past with coughing , shallow breathing, and always tired after walking  3 to 4 blocks. That was then this is now! I walk a lot more than 3 to 4 blocks , I practically walk to the store every chance I get. I have not started to run yet, going to go get checked by the DOC before I start a strenious workout program. REMEMBER I am 50 but I feel great.  Oh! I did shoot some hoops with my grandsons on sunday .  I felt good not breathing heavy. But I will get the Docs Approval by getting a complete physical also. GOOD LUCK TO US ALL.

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OK this feels to good I must be dreaming. But I love the feeling  Once you get started it's hard to stop,  Ok  22 days and  no incidents. I'm happy to say today was a good day. GOOD LUCK ALL.

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