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Give and get support around quitting


Oh god I can't do this!!

...Even on Chantix I am a miserable failure!


I think I am just suppose to die.


I have no friends...since I have complex PTSD...everyone eventually tells me to go to hell. 

Gee, so why should I quit smoking?

I am already dead...



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8 Replies

sorry you feel so depressed i thought i was the only one that winter drives nuts,i bet you also see smoking as "your only friend" I do thats for sure.

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JBreathe, try not to get so down on yourself.  How long have you been taking Chantix?  Maybe you are not giving yourself a fair shake on this.    If you are doing this on your own, you need to know that you are both brave and strong.  Even if you "slip up", just cut yourself some slack!  Reaching out any way you can is going to get you through this.  Please don't give up!  You may be someone else's inspiration!

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Don't give up but please call your doctor.  I don't think you should feel that bad on Chantix.     sleep as much as you can and spend a lot of time sleeping and reading and if you feel stressed run in place.  Drink lots of water and hang out here.  the more you read and post the better it will get.  There is support here.  I am sorry you feel so bad.  You have a whole support group here to hang out with. 

Hang in there!

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I quit for seven years, been back for two, have got to quit,hate the addiction& hate the stench somebody STOP ME!!

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JOANI, the hell with them. we believe  what we  perceive, if you don't give up,  I will not give up, please do not let us down NOW!!

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If you have not called your doctor and you still feel this way, please do so ASAP.  Chantix is known for some very bad side effects - including depression and suicidal feelings.  That's the reason I'm using the patch instead.

It may be the Chantix is making you feel this way, especially if you are already being treated for PTSD. Stay strong!

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i hope you can do this...feel bad your having such a hard time, but trust me, it gets easier...its been two months, and i don't think about it.....was out with smoking friends on superbowl sunday and didn't cave......i felt very proud about that, and you will too!!!  theres some many resources online that may help......good luck!!

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Hey, you shouldn't be on Chantix with PTSD; I was diagnosed with PTSD when I was thirteen and even though I'm over it many years later (well for the most part, I still deal with images of death and dying a lot), my doctor wasn't going to risk putting me on Chantix because it can cause feelings of depression, suicide and hostility in people that already have depression, PTSD and other mental health issues. You should go back to the doctor and get something else. And trust me, you aren't anywhere close to dead, I've been there before, so, I can relate. Go see your doctor and I wish you the best of luck, if you need someone to talk to, message me (:

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