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Give and get support around quitting


New non smoker

Im 19 years old, and i smoked for about 3 years. It was a terrible habbit, worse than that, a terrible addiction. I havent smoked in a few days and i feel amazing. I've started playing soccer again, so that helps alot. i decided i need to quit now that im still young and have the highest chance of never lighting up again. I know yall can do it too, we all deserve to live a long and eventful life. I wish the best for you guys in defeating this addiction!

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6 Replies

You are doing great hang in there, and yes quit now, i wish i had when i was your age. you can do it.

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I have smoked for 34 yrs and was told yesterday that i had COPD. I have to quit for me and my family. Have had 2 aunts past away from smoking and dumb me still pick them up. I am starting today to aleast cut down. I will kick this habit!!!! with all yall help.  pat

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thanks for the support. we are all the author of our own health and disease, so show yourself some respect by treating it well.    drew

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I have been smoking for almost 50 years; started when I was 14 yrs old ..... was cool in those days.  I did quit once before - several years ago - for about a year and it was the hardest thing (up to that point) that I had ever done.  After I started smoking again I basically gave up trying to quit.  Well, last Sunday morning I woke up and instead of reaching for those Camels, I threw them in the garbage and it's been 5 days!!!  I can't say it's been easy, but I believe that this is my time. 

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I'm really giving myself a chance this time and I know it won't be easy!!!  Its hard to imagine myself not smoking or at least that's what makes me nervous about the whole thing.  I work in the dental feild and for nine hours I'm smoke free..why do I make up for it as soon as I hit the door?

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knowing that you've been smoke free for nine hours triggers your receptors to think that they need to catch up. try having one cig every 4 or 5 hours after work untill you can go 8 to 9 hours without one and so forth.  its been almost a week for me now. nicorette gum helps alot to stop the physical addictive part, id say ill keep chewing it for a few more weeks just to be on the safe side. after that ill be comfortable enough to go completely without anything.

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