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Give and get support around quitting


October Quitters

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am feeling MUCH better about my quit. I was beginning to think the Chantix was causing major depression but it was really just the nicotine withdraws. I didn't expect it to last 20 days because I don't remember it lasting that long the last time I quit. I'm sure everyone is different but man oh man am I glad to be through that!
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422 Respuestas

My quit date was October 17, 2009 and now it is October 24th so that makes 7 days.
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I just read all your post what a fun light hearted group nice to meet all of you.
  I would love to do anything I can to help with your quit. Just stop by and let me know if I can. Wonderful group of people on this Oct quit.
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Hello October's....Today is my quit day and so far so good haven't lit up in almost 24hrs....Could really use some encouragement and support. Thanks
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I saw the messages about the smelll of smoke in the car. I got rid of it by going to a professional car cleaner. They have this machine that blows through the car. I'm not sure how it works, but it made my car smell new. Just tell them you are a smoker and want the big vacuum that either sucks or blows all the smell out. If you all were in Atlanta, I would recommend a place, but I know you are all not in the area. Good Luck! Oh and today is 2 weeks for me!
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hey Heather anne, Glad you joined us. How is your day going... I am on day 5 I found out that people are very supportive here... I went through ups and downs and it is not easy... but I am sure you can do it... Keep your self away from triggers that makes you want to smoke... come here write something...or blog... keep your self well hydrated that helps... go to the gym or exercise I will be doing that on Monday but I have heard from people that it really helps..go out with non smoker friends and tell them that you are quitting that helps too... YOU CAN DO IT 🙂 good luck..
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Well this is really hard to write to everyone but I smoked. Took the patch off because I thought I was strong enough to do it on my on well guess I was wrong. Put the patch back on five mintues ago trying again please pray for me
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Don't worry Ronda... you slipped but you are on the right track now. The important thing is that you know now how it feels if you take off the patch too soon. Keep trying we are here with you. Don't give up... You can do it , you can become smoke free.... all it takes is a little bit more time and determination and I know you have that... keep it up... let us know if you need support... we are here for you.
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Thanks Samar you are right
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Heather Anne-Congrats on day 1, it's a big one!!! Today is day 7 for me.

  Rhonda-It takes alot of courage to own up to it, EVEN to people you don't really know. You're on this site because you really do want to quit, so take a deep breath and continue. We are praying for you. Stay strong!
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