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Give and get support around quitting


October 14th Quit Date

I just started Wellbutrin today. It will take five days to build in my system and then I start my quit. Today I am smoking and my lungs hurt in a new way. They started hurting four days ago. I am looking for the fire in my system and I think I have found it.

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2 Replies

@j3ffmeadowsgm That's great.  Reminder:  you can start cutting down leading up to your quit date.



@Barbscloud  I am going to be dumping my tobacco down the toilet again. My councilor at Northeast Career Planning yelled at me last week for missing all my classes. When I take classes I am out of the house with no smoking materials. I have to get back to taking classes tomorrow and I am feeling terrible. I feel very weak and I am having trouble breathing. I have to give up the tobacco. I can do it. It will be easier with Wellbutrin in my system.