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Give and get support around quitting




We can make this work together!


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39 Replies

Hello all! I'm glad I found this group. I'm a peds nurse, and it's embarassing to bring that stink to the kids! So, February 28th is my quit date. Good luck to all, and kudos to those that are already doing it!

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Hello Fellow Nurses...I am new to this site and am so happy to have found you all!  I am a RN specialized in Palliative I watch people dying all the time of all types of smoking related diseases.  We should know better...well, we are human and although we know the risks..we are or were hooked on the crap!!  I have set my quit date and am working through this site to prepare for the big day!!    I am looking forward to working through all this stuff with you...people who understand the stress, embarrassment and struggles of being a smoking nurse!!  For all of you who quit...Congrats!!  Keep up the good work and come back here to inspire us newbies!!  With the help of friends, God and lots of angels...we can do this!!  Take care...God bless!!!

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Good evening fellow nurses.. I hope you all had a good day at work...maybe saved a life, held a sick child or comforted a grieving family member...we do amazing work!!  I hope everyone is handling the stress of all that caregiving without lighting up!  I am really trying to prepare myself for the big day...quit day!!  I have ordered several books to help me along as well!  Best of luck to all of you in this journey...remember how special you all are!!  Take care and God bless!!!

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Hello fellow nurses.  Today is day 3 for me.  I'm so glad I won't be walking out to the sidewalk to smoke anymore!  I don't want to go back in to my patients smelling like cigarettes.  I don't want to start to laugh and end up coughing! 

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Karen, I just started the group yesteray and saw you too are a psych Nurse. I am a forensic psych nurse and today after reading you message, I felt the pain you are experienceing. Most Psych fac. are smoke free now and it seems we can still find our courner to hide and have that one or two on a shift. I just want you to know I praying for you and hope the Lord gives you the strenght as inside the confinement of a pschatric ward can get to anyone after a period of time. I encourage you to keep exploring by reading, joining these chat forums, whatever you must to put the cigs down. Speak to your Dr about the situataion and your concerns. This is for you and once you make it the first day thru, you can than look to another day. I will look for your reply. Peg

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going on 3 days, trying to push the thoughts of smoking out of my mind as soon as they come into my mind. So far so good.  One day at a time.

Wishing everyone the best!!

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way to go... 3 6 good for you.

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Just started my nursing career. After a busy day and feeling VERY stupid I want a cig badly. Oh so bad. On day

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Any one posting in this group still? I quit and took quite a few steps back. Being a RN i know its bad. How are you doing?

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Not yet a nurse but a nursing student. Trying to kick the habbit too. Especially since i went to the doctor a month ago and they told me i have arteries of a 52 year old and im only 23. Also they said i have lungs of a 33 year old. Its really hard to study and focus with  this increase in oxygen levels. Hoping this goes away soon. If you guys want to tell me about any of your stories about your day and how things are going for you i would be very interested. Stay Strong!!

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