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Give and get support around quitting




We can make this work together!


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39 Replies

Hi everyone!! Just joined this group...quit 6 days ago...doing great with it!!!  I am starting a new job (orientation was today) and will, for the first time, start a job as a non-smoker!!!  And, I don't know how things are where all of you live, but here in Akron Ohio (founding site of AA) the hospitals won't hire smoker's (they are not getting rid of current employees that smoke, but won't hire anyone new who does).  They have a new urine test that checks for a by product of nicotine that stays in your system for 3 months.  When I lost my job that was an obstacle for me in finding another job...and now...on March 28th (my son's of the people who has wanted me to quit since he was like 3: when he was little he would say "I want a no smoking birthday party) I would be able to get a job in one of our hospitals if I choose to do so!!!  Before now it was not my choice...the cigarettes chose for me.  I feel sooo very good now!  Can breath, and working out is not such torture...even after only 6 days...I have read the post of all the nurses here and agree that being an RN and smoking is so embarrassing...and I was very self conscious when getting close to patients; docs, and other nurses knowing that I smelled (we kid ourselves thinking that sprays...yes even frebreeze...covers the smell).  Now, when I start my on the floor orientation on Friday I will not be a smoker and will not have that fear that I smell and offend others. 
I wish all of you the best of luck...for those that have already quit and have days weeks or months behind them...continue the good work....for those who have a quit date coming soon...believe you can do this...yes it is hard...but nursing school was too! and you did that!

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Hi everyone!!!  I'm new to the group. Not a nurse yet, but will be once I finish school. Right now, I'm a Unit Clerk/PCT at a smoke free hospital in Illinois.  SO scared to go back to work tomorrow.....The unit clerk desk is always so stressful with the phone calls, call lights and the constant interruptions by patients, family staff and MD's...going to need to do alot of breathing exercises just to get thru the day. It'll be day 5 of my quit for me tomorrow....wish me luck...I'm sooo gonna need it....So tired of feeling like I'm losing my mind

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I was so happy to find this group!  How many times have we heard "how can you smoke, you're a nurse?"  ha - if they only knew.  We can do this though.  Nurse for 20 years, smoker for 25.  I work in long term care - geriatrics.  So many I have watched struggle with COPD and lung cancer.  It is not the way to go out. On day 5 and actually have some confidence that I may make it this time!

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I would like to join this group, Im a psych RN in my late 50's....smoked all my life. Im scared. Im an emotional smoker and how does one deal with emotions when they are continuous?  Please help if you can. Im into my first week of wellbrutrin and smokeing alittle less. I just ordered a hypnosis program on cd. Ive read everything I can the last 3 days on line. I AM AFRAID.

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hello ladies! so glad i found some fellow nurses who are quitting smoking too! we can all do this.

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Hello fellow nurses, so glad I found this group. I am an ICU nurse and have been working with pulmonary patient's for over twenty years. The small cell lung cancer never scared me because you usually pass pretty quickly after diagnosis but the COPD and emphysemia has really started to bother me. I don't know if is because I am getting older, 45 now, and can identify more with these patients' or if its that I hate feeling like a leeper because people can smell the smoke on my clothes. I just finished my grad degree and wrote hundreds of papers on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and why the government is now pushing people to be healthy.  I just wish the government (FDA) would approve anti-anxiety meds be supplied OTC with the nicotine patch. LOL..well guys thanks typing this little paragraph helped me get through a craving.

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just checking in with all my nursing friends who are quitters too!! how are you girls (and maybe a guy too)? hope everyone is staying strong and keeping their quit!

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Okay -- almost through my first day of quitting.  I have quit before, longest period was a few months.  Takes longer and longer to get up the courage (or nerves or whatever) to quit again when I fall off the wagon.  Smoking, of course, isn't good for anyone, but being a nurse, you really feel so bad about yourself that you smoke.  Feel like a fraud or something.  Just going to take it one day at a time, or one hour or one minute, whatever it takes.  It's hard when I think I'm never going to smoke again, so today I said to myself "I'll quit now and if I want, when I'm 90 I can start smoking again."  (Yeah, right - but the thought does amuse me for some reason.)  Good thoughts going out to all my fellow nurses; we got to do this & we can. 

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Glad I found this group. I have been a nurse for 22 years, smoked for 37 years and am now 65 days smoke free. Nobody new at work I smoked, but I knew several other nurses that do. I quit cause I had pneumonia in November and they found some pulmonary nodules, so now I have CT scans every 3 months waiting to be dx with lung cancer. So not real sure why I quit, but I'm not going back.

Actually the thought of stop smoking was harder than stopping. I did use the patch for about 4 weeks, and now I don't need that. I still do get urges, just easier to handle.

And the eating. I have gained 6 pounds since stopping. I guess it doesn't sound like much, but if I keep up this rate, oh goodness.

Wish you all the best.


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Good to hear from other nurses,  I just decided to quit.  I dont take breaks knowing that  will want a cig,  hope this passes.  I work 12 hour shifts,  long time with no break,  every one else smokes during breaks.   I really want a cig when driving that seems to be the hardest  time for me.   Im afraid of gaining weight,  doing more walking on my days off.   This is not going to be easy but I really want  to do it.

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