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Give and get support around quitting


November Quitters

Wish me luck as I wish you luck!
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609 Respuestas

34 days without a smoke Im going to start the New Year's a NON-SMOKER FOR LIFE that's my goal now Im proud to say it's been tempting Im following through lol lol

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Hey fellow quiters. 49 days and still going strong, had a few thoughts of smoking but did do it.  Taking it one day at a time.... Stay strong!!!!

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Hi Folks. I am a November quitter too. 11/29/10 was my first smoke free day. I am doing OK but I don't come to this site very much because reading about cigarettes all the time makes me think about them. I do pretty good thinking about other things as long as I steer clear of smokers. As an recovering addict, I know I can never again have another cigarette, not one!

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I'm having a hard time  help

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Hi all,

New member here looking for support on staying quit. I quit smoking on November 20th,2010 on the patch and am still 100 % smoke free. It has still been hard at times. There are triggers that set me off still even though I have tried to change most of my old habits.

Happy New Year too all,


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hello all. i hope you all are still EX-SMOKERS. i am. juts remember, there will ALWAYS be rough patches. just get through them and always remember as rough as those patches or cravings may be, its so much better to get through not smoking vs. smoking. we all have our triggers and there will always be triggers that will linger and we will have to think about. just think how much richer and healthier you all are. another MONTH down!

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My quit date is the November 8th!!! For personal reasons this is very important!

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Hey everyone.. I been smoking for 12 years. I have quited  before while being pregnant or nusring. But soon as I was done I always starts smoking. I quit  last April for 7 weeks cold turkey and started back. Now Im ready to quit again. My quit date is Nov 29. I hope I quit before.. 

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If you are just starting out - I tackled quitting in the beginning one day at time.  I decided no matter what ....smoking was never again an option.   I realized after the days and months added up,  The was my magic pill ..... the right mindset! 

What worked for me.......Commitment and a decision to honor it....... no allowance to slip or relapse ever!!!

I'm celebrating 2 years of freedom on November 17th!  Yay!!!!!

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Tomorrow (11/2/11) is my Quit Date, after 50 years of smoking.  Expect quitting to be tough, but have prepped here and wonder if any one has more advice for me???

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