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Give and get support around quitting


November Quitters

Wish me luck as I wish you luck!
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609 Replies

Hey welcome Craig. Can't wait till you come on the site as a nonsmoker on the 22nd. Good thinking trying to get everything in order before your quit.We are here for you. Cindy
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Julie please let us know how you are doing??? Cindy
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Hi, Cindy, how was your day? Mine was good. one day down and many to go. I dont think I have cravings but its a want thing.
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Hi Cindy - thanks again for the support. Getting toward the end of Day 5 and I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. I feel completely unable to concentrate, focus, have normal conversation...all I can do is fantasize about going and buying cigarettes and think "oh, they aren't really THAT bad for you...just have one...". Then, 2 minutes later, I'm fine and thankful I made it through the urge. Then, then urge is back again...I've been crying on and off all day...I was doing so well until today. What went wrong?? 😞
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Brenda how is your night going??? Cindy
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Hi Mollie , My day was good. Worked then cooked dinner and cleaned the bathrooms. I hlped my little one with homework. He is in the shower now. When I get him in bed I'm going to watch tv. Tomorrow and Friday I have busy evenings. My little one has basketball prac both nights. Been watching the news about the auto bailout. My husband is a Millwright at Ford Mtr Co. I hope yoru day went good. Congrats on no cigarettes. Go You!!!!
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Julie - thank you so much. I will listen to you and trust you when you say it isn't worth it. I don't think it would taste the same, and I wouldn't enjoy it like I did because I would feel bad. I guess having a guilty conscience is good when you're trying to quit smoking 🙂 Thank you for your help...and please don't feel bad about your slip, like you said - you are still a non-smoker. Just keep counting your days and moving forward. Now you now it doesn't taste or feel the same as it did before, so it's not worth it. I appreciate your help. Like I said - I'll listen to you, and I won't light up. I promise to tell you if I do! 🙂
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Julie, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm on day 5 too. I haven't smoked and feel good about it but I know there's a long way to go. Put it this way, I'm avoiding bars and parties for a while.
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Sorry Brenda. I'm at work all day, and I have been known to be slightly lazy. However, I am currently taking this piece of gum for all the nicotine it's worth.
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Sorry. That was your post Julie. The last couple of weeks that I was smoking I concentrated on tasting my cigs. They taste like ass.
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