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Nov 2.. first full day without smoking.. anyone else?

Hi.. today will be my first full day with no smoking. My last cig was at about 7pm last night and here I am 12 hours later. Right now getting through my morning coffee pretty well which I knew was going to be a biggie. Craving a cig to go with it but not bad. Also on my 3rd week of Chantix which helps. Anyone else in the same boat?
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11 Replies

You can do it...really you can.
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Me too. Yesterday, 11/2 was my first full day. I'm on Chanti, week two and it reaxlly seems to help. Also, drinking a lot of water has helped. I also made green tea this morning. I think coffee would send me over the it's pure torture without a cig! I keep reminding myself that I'm really excited to feel what it's like to not be a smoke for the first time in 15 years...
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I quit today too. Chantix worked the best for me a few years ago but I don't want to go through the side effects again. I am using the gum and a half of a xanax for the first week. I am usually good after that. You can do it! Keep yourself busy and write down all of the benefits:) I really need to save some money and stop being embarrassed!
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Hi pahart12. I quit this morning too. Hard to remember right now, since I feel pretty good physically, how smoking gives me a headache, makes my throat sore and my eyes water. how I smell disgusting, my mouth tastes like crap, I have no energy and it is embarrassing. Okay, maybe that list helps a bit! 😉
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Hi...Yesterday 11/2 was my quit date. My last cigarette was around midnight on 11/1-11/2. Did surprisingly well yesterday. Wrote down every time I got the urge for a cigarette (which was about 11 times throughout the day and night). My biggest urge was at the end of my work day. I babysit my 3 year old grand daughter and always loved relaxing with a cigarette when she went home and the house was calm again. I also got urges (although less intense) after eating, while on the phone, and reading (I believe I've done most of my smoking while reading). The real challenge was when my husband came home from work at 10 pm and placed his pack of cigarettes on the counter. He says he's quitting after he finishes this one pack...time will tell...but I can't use his smoking as an excuse for me to be weak...been using that one for too long. I am not using any aids outside of self control....just gotta be strong. It's 8:10 am on 11/3 and I had an urge for a cigarette with my morning husband not having left for work yet today with that single pack of cigarettes available was a challenge I won...thank God. So it's been about 32 hours smoke free and I'm loving the sense of a healing body instead of worrying if this is gonna be that one cigarette that triggers a heart attack or stroke. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and trigylcerides, and a family histroy of lung cancer and heart disease...I was insane to smoke in the first place! I pray I stay this strong and the urges don't get more intense. At this point it's a relief not to have that squabbling going on inside "Want a cigarette, light it up, I shouldn't be smoking this, I have to quit, I feel like garbage, why am I giving in, just gotta stop, after this pack, sure feels good relaxing with this cigarette, felt better before I smoked it, etc, etc, etc,... In general...I feel good,..and happy...and more at peace with myself in just 32 hours...Keep your fingers crossed that I stay on this path and continue to feel positive about quitting! Good luck to all you November quit dates!!!! We can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Today was my first day in over 2 years without a smoke - if I had $20 for every time I wanted to go to the store and buy a pack, I could probably retire. I'm hoping tomorrow is easier! Good luck everyone!!
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I'm close Christine. Today is my second day - it was still tough, but easier than the first day. Am on Chantix too. Stay strong!
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Today is day 4 for me. I'm already forgetting how bad I felt after a smoke. I've gone from totally happy and excited about quitting to just getting through the day. I want that excitement of being smoke free back. I'm going for a run.
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Nov. 2 was my first day without smoking also and I got through my morning coffee with little trouble. I started the patch yesterday and I could really use a cigarette I just got out a class where I had a test. Good Luck with your quitting!
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