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Give and get support around quitting


Not quite there yet..

July 4th is my quit day. As someone else said in July Quit Dates, what better day than independence day to break the ties to tobacco. I'm joining this group preemptively! Any tips to lead up to the big day would be appreciated.

Right now I'm forcing myself to only have one an hour, I usually can pack away anywhere from 2-5 an hour o.0 It's already tough. I think everything down to breathing is a trigger for me, so I am a little nervous..
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1 Responder

July 4th is our 4th wedding anniversary. Quitting is our gift to each other. We started a few days early, on June 30th, because we want to be smoke free (and hopefully not snapping at each other, on our anniversary.)

Just keep remembering why you want to quit. Another thing I am going to try is rewarding myself. My cigarettes cost $6.50 a pack - round that up the $7 and you are looking at $50 per week. For every week that I don't smoke I am going to reward myself with a mani-pedi. At least until it gets easier.
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