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Give and get support around quitting


Not over the hump yet

This urge is worse now on day 22 than on day 2,3,4!!! Why? Nicotine's gone !!!!
While home alone I enjoyed the company of a cig outside. The straw trick is helpful and that seems to be my only defense. Thinkin about them all day long staying in the house even on beautiful day just to avoid more desire. What's going on. I know I don't want to go through this ever ever again and that may be the thing to keep me off.
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2 Respuestas

Just as Karen said, your mind is full of the nicodemon playing head games with you. If you think about how long you smoked vs. the 22 days that you have been smoke free, there is not a whole lot of comparison. The best way to combat that nicodemon is to cut those thoughts off with a sharp, "NO = not one," or "Smoking is not an option," or "Cravings won't kill me, but smoking will." Our minds can easily get intercepted with negative thoughts that continue to swirl around and around in our heads. That is, only if we let them. I, myself, use smoking is not an option. If it's not an option, then there is no real need to think about cigarettes. It has worked wonders for me! Also, keep your mind busy -- don't let it wander off, instead do something that will require focus and concentration. When you do that, you'll find that the cravings and thoughts will subside. This is a mental addiction as well as a physical one. Our mind is very ingrained with the habit of smoking, which is why you feel the way you do. The more positive thoughts you can feed you mind with, the easier it will be. Congratulate yourself on 22 days! That is awesome! 3 weeks is a major milestone!! Tell yourself that you are a happy, confident, relaxed non-smoker even if you don't feel that way. When you repeat these sayings over and over again, they get rooted in your subconcsious and eventually eliminate the type of thoughts you are having. I hope this helps you. Remember, you are WORTHY of life!! Congratulations on day 22 -- that is AWESOME!!!
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I agree, don't stay inside. That's the worse thing you can do. Get out and walk!! The third week and third month are the hardest. Don't know why, just is.. If you can get through the third week it will get better. Quit smoking any cigs. You have an addiction, can't have just one. Pretty soon it will be more and more. If you don't want to go through this again, get out, go do something and see a friend who doesn't smoke.
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