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Give and get support around quitting


Nicotine free me

My quit date is tomorrow. I joined becomeanex just 2 weeks ago and preparing myself for the quit this time around has been a much better process. I love all of the info/support this site can give. I have invisioned a day where I don't have to leave my kids because I need a cigarette, where I'm not coughing as soon as I wake up, and where I can truly enjoy every moment with my friends and family. These are major reasons I am quiting and I have a feeling this time will be different. 

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@notyoufreds1 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  I'm excited for your first day smoke free. I'm happy to hear you've been preparing for your quit by reading material on site.

You can win that internal battle by educating yourself about nicotine addiction and putting a plan in place with how you'll deal with cravings, identifying your triggers and creating the new associations you'll create instead of smoking.  What can you do instead of smoking? Change up your routine. Go for walk, read material on the Ex, if you drink coffee, for example, drink it in a different place, etc. Be creative.

I found the Ex a week prior to my quit day.  After 50 years, I finally learned how to quit and how valuable support is.  Are you using any aids?  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers.  

And you just found an amazing group of quitters here to support you on this journey to becoming an Ex. There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the journey. We're here for you, so just reach out anytime we can help or want to share your experience.

This link is a great place to get you started on the right track.

Consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Stay busy and stay close.



Today is your day.  Make sure you reread your quit letter and focus on the vision you have for your nicotine free, healthy life.  Stay strong and that vision will become a reality.  Distract, refocus, use your quit tools.  Quit day 255.


Thank you for the support. Day 1 is everything I thought it would be LOL. But I have a nicotine patch, tons of candy/gum/toothpicks and nicotine gum just in case for big cravings. Today will be my day of winning!