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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie and Needs HELP!!

HI.. I am 30 year old female being smoking for about 14 years or so and i want to quit i have nine smokes left onces those are done i am not buying anymore just need to know what i will be faced will on this jorney any ideas also how long will it take to get out of my body


thanks so much

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14 Replies

Hooray for your decision to Quit and welcome to the site.  Most of us hang out in Blogs.  If you post there, you will get more reponses than posting here and you will see a lot more to read.  I suggest you go to aztec or hwc pages and read the links that educate you about the addiction and Quit. 

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Great thanks so much

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Congrats Newbie--

hang in there. The 1st step is to want to quit...we all knew we needed too, but it wasn't until I wanted to that it became a serious priority in my life. I tried "cold turkey" I was indignant by the 3rd day...and started back under the direction of my family and soon to be "ex" friends. LOL

I am now using the patch---it really helps with the craving and irritability. Now, I'm trying to fill the void and master the habit part of it. It is a learning process. I find that simple chores I do around the house are triggers. I think in my mind that I should be smoking while on the computer, or with a cup of coffee or after a meal. It is pychological. I have started exercising and watching what I eat now, because I don't want food to be a substitute for smoking.

Prayer is very helpful to me...I have prayed and will continue to pray and thank God for delivering me from the addiction of nicotine. I know I could never do it on my on, and I also know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philipian 4:13.

Stay at it!!!! Good luck and congratulations

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Thanks so much i know tomorrow is going to be the real test.. I can do it though ( hope too anyways)

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Hello I am also new to this site. I first wanted to say congratulations on your decision to stop smoking. I have made the decision to quit in a month. I am giving myself plenty of time to prepare. I am tracking my cigarettes and learning my triggers and also trying to come up with some tools to help fight off the cravings. Are you trying any medications or are you doing it cold turkey? Good luck. Also if you want to add me as a friend maybe we can help eachother.

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Hi Everyone,

I just signed up to be an ex-smoker and I'm telling you....I'm getting pretty scared to be admitting that I really want to stop something that I use everyday of my life...and Congratulations to everybody who is doing the same thing as me and I know that we all can quit together and live life happily without smoking 🙂

I'm really hoping that I can do this and try to beat this addiction.  Just writing this blog is making me anxious and wanting to smoke a cigarette right now but I won't....I hope prayer and will power will help overcome this obstacle 🙂

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Hi all. .  Just downloaded Ex app for my Iphone. .  I am giving myself 30 days to. I need to quit and want to quit!! Goodluck to everyone. We can do it. 🙂 Anytime you want a cig, just write on here. .  that will keep your hands and mind off your craving. .  so, if you ever see a really long form from me, you know why. Expect it. LOL You really don't have to read it though, just know I was trying to "Beat my craving!!" LOL. 🙂 The time starts NOW!!!!

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Hello, I have been smoking for 35 years....I am so tired of it! I have tried so many times before and decided it was time to talk with people that are going through the same thing. I had my last cig @ 4pm today...that is it! No more! Ahhhh....I am scared of failing again.

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With knowledge of nicotine addiction the fear is eliminated! I know exactly what I need to do to win over this ADDICTION! And it's doable! Go to the BLOGS where we hang out and lots of people will share the road map! You CAN do this!
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