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Give and get support around quitting

Dead Ends!

Go ahead and track your smoking and find out what your triggers are! Then make a list of what you will do instead! That's a great tool to add to your Quit Toll Box! But until your day comes up, don't cut back and don't overthink it or your junkie mind will convince you that it's altogether too hard or too complicated! Keep It Simple! Just DO IT!!! There are really only 2 CHOICES: If you smoke at all, you might just as well smoke your brains out! If you quit then Not One Puff Ever (N.O.P.E.) NO MATTER WHAT! There is no 3rd Option!
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4 Replies

Hi Thomas.  I don't find that statement of cutting back to be all together true.  If I wasn't tracking my cigarettes, even after the three day tracking, I'd be smoking twice as much.  My quit date is March 19, and yes, I am struggling but I'm still not smoking as much as I was and I am hoping to reduce the number consistently.  I have reduced the number every few days, so far, but I seem to give in when I KNOW I could have waited longer but I just plain gave in.  I tried cold turkey first and couldn't even make it through the day...I thought I was going to rip my hair out.  I know I can't quit on will power alone...I've got to get myself to redirect my attention elsewhere instead of sitting there feeling highly anxious, and I can do it at times, but at other times I let my head mess with me and say screw it...but I'm going to keep trying.

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It's only after I got COPD that I researched what the National Institute of Health was reporting about smoking related illness! ONE CIGARETTE changes your DNA and leads to lung cancer! ONE CIGARETTE can cause a heart attack! ONE CIGARETTE can trigger Emphysema which is an auto-immune illness! ONE CIGARETTE can give you that life altering stroke!!! Moreover, when you are a smoker, whether it's 3 packs a day or 3 cigarettes a day, you are in a constant state of withdrawal which adds to your cravings, anxiety, and tension! Only getting your nicotine FIX will relieve this stress!!! So cutting back makes the problem WORSE not better! The only way to stop this ADDICTIVE process is to QUIT SMOKING 100%! I've cut back thousands of times - yet I always went back sooner or later to smoking! Now I'm finished smoking FOR LIFE!!! That is the goal!!! It is achievable - just not by the cutting back method! TODAY is a GREAT DAY to QUIT!
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how do you get through the first day?

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 Go to for a great list! What I did is have my quit tool box filled. Contents? List of why I want to quit; list of what I can do when I have a craving; list of all the advantages I can think of for being quit; list of all the reasons I hate smoking; water -water -water; cranberry juice; celery sticks, carrot sticks, crunchy red,yellow, orange and green peppers; sugar free chewing gum; phone numbers of supportive family and friends I could call for pep talks; my PLEDGE of N.O.P.E. written by hand and signed! Not One Puff Ever!!!

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