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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Quitters

You can use this wall to introduce yourself and tell your story! Remember, this group is only for those who have stopped smoking completely (no matter for how long). We can use the advice of experienced EX's, too. I am on my 4th day (again), using this site much more and reading reading reading!
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I just smoked 3 cigarettes today. Planning on quitting totally from tomorrow. i am so ashamed of myself for no self control. wish i could find a buddy so that we can quit smoking altogether. looking forward for meaningful support.


My quit date is tomorrow and a voice in my head keeps saying...NO to shut that voice up?


Am so glad to have found this blog so quick. Started here in 11/14. Quit 11/22. Quit my quit in Jan. My belly button birthday is one week from today. Seems rash to call today the day. Do I really, really, really......Please have patience. I see how you folks are doing and man-o-man am much impressed. I know I can be successful, had a seven year quit under my belt at one point. I know it's doable. Just very fearful. Weird huh? Something so good, essential and am afraid for some unknown reason.


my plan is for no more smoking starting now. i am psyching myself up for the morning witnout one! is there a way to hook up with another person here for support?


  I have the determination one day and then the next cave. Four days of freedom and fell back into lie on day five. I need to get back on track and remember my reasons for quitting. I'm not giving up!


Today is my quit date; wish me luck, I'm determined and having a good day so far 🙂

Terri 48


i use nicoderm cq patches. on day 17. craving is very low, habit of lighting up is my problem.  want a cig really bad right now

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I quit today and I know I can do this. I'm usually alot stronger with everything else but when it comes to quitting then its like I cave everytime. Everywhere I go, people are smoking and the smell is so inviting. I've been without cigarettes for 15 hours and counting. But I have been smoking for 22 years which is most of my life and since I started very young, i cant even remember what my life was like to not smoke at all. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. God be with me and everyone else trying to quit


I quit smoking four years ago and I was so stupid to think I could smoke a cigarette with my girlfriend (who has no desire to quit)and stop again. It only took one. If this works for me I will probobly have to quit her too. I hate giving altamatoms but it's will probobly be the cigs or me that's how strongly I feel about this. I don't like myself as a smoker. I feel so different then I did a year ago and you will too. I wish all of you the best. You will feel so much better when you quit. My new quit date is the 16th of September. 


My quit date is today. After having quit and relapsed several times, I want to make this the final quit. As the saying goes, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I finally realized what was making me sick and tired...damn nicotine. i want to be free of this crazy bondage.